St Charles County Master Gardeners
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Steering Committee Minutes
Date: August 12, 2016
Call to order
Sharon Hedges called to order the regular meeting of the Master Gardeners Steering Committee at 9:00 AM on August 12, 2016
In attendance Sharon Hedges, Al Winkeler, Joe Walker, Laura Steimel, Mary Carey, and Rich Hoorman.
Secretary’s Report
Laura Steimel read the minutes from the last meeting. It was moved by Mary Carey and seconded by Joe Walker that the minutes be approved as read. Vote was unanimous in favor.
Treasury Report
See Joe Walker for current balance .It was moved by Mary Carey and seconded by Al Winkeler to approve Treasury Report. Vote was unanimous in favor.
MU Extension Specialist- Rich Hoorman- Rich presented The Master Gardener Volunteer Agreement for review. He proposed getting agreement signed by all Master Gardeners at the next monthly meeting as well has having emailed to all members. Will also mail with return stamped envelope to those who have not signed by November. Joe Walker motioned to approve the Master Gardener Volunteer Agreement and Mary Carey seconded. Vote was unanimous in favor. We also agreed to send completed copies of form back to members.
We also reviewed Memorandum of Understanding between Master Gardeners and St. Charles Missouri Extension Council. Very few details changes. We will be giving the council 3% of our fund raising proceeds instead of 5%. Joe Walker motioned to approve modified document Memorandum of Understanding, Mary Carey seconded. Vote was unanimous to approve.
Committee Reports
Speakers – Val Mertz. We have speakers for August and September Meetings. August is on Orchid’s- Joshua Higgins and September in on The Great Missouri Bird Trail.
Hortline- Patti Kolek. Hortline is busy. Volunteers welcome.
Education- Mary Medina. We have leads for Lawn Chair presentations except herbs. Mary made a request for portable cold frame. Joe Walker motioned to move $300.00 from general fund to cold frame line item. Laura Steimel seconded it. Vote was unanimous in favor. Discussion on whether we should have Cool Vegetable plant sale. This is tabled for next meeting.
Demonstrations Gardens- Mary Carey is now doing cottage garden and Waneta Parmenter is doing perennials. Discussion on how to use and maintain Pantry Garden. Suggestion were community garden, 4-H, High Schooler community hours, Victory garden. Rich Hoorman requesting 4 beds for grant project. She will present to leads at their next meeting.
Greenhouse- Evelyn Franks. Looking at getting 100 gallon watering tank. Rich had some ideas and possible grant funds to help. He is wanting to use greenhouse for project. Will get with Evelyn on this.
Old Business/New Business
Rich working on Drip irrigation plan.
Mary Carey motioned we award $100 to help pay for trip Annual Master Gardener Meeting. Al Winkeler seconded. Vote was unanimous. We are awarding to Marsha Brown.
Sharon will be getting volunteers for nomination committee for elections of 2 officers and nomination Committee for the Paul Hendricks Award.
It was motioned by Al Winkeler to buy Master Gardener Shirt for Rich Hoorman. Seconded by Joe Walker. Vote was unanimous.
It was moved by Joe Walker to adjourn meeting and seconded by Mary Carey