St Charles County Master Gardeners
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Steering Committee Minutes
Date: July 8, 2016
Call to order
Sharon Hedges called to order the regular meeting of the Master Gardeners Steering Committee at 9:05 AM on July 8, 2016.
Joe Walker, Al Winkeler, Sharon Hedges, Laura Steimel, Rich Hoormann, Mary Carey
Secretary’s Report
Laura Steimel read the minutes from the last meeting. It was moved by Mary Carey and seconded by Joe Walker that the minutes be approved as read. Vote was unanimous in favor.
Treasury Report
Current bank balance (contact Joe for amount) presented by Joe Walker.It was moved by Laura Steimel and seconded by Al Winkeler to approve Treasury Report. Vote was unanimous in favor.
MU Extension Specialist- Rich Hoorman
We are still waiting on information on the code of conduct for Master Gardeners Group.
Rich will be writing up a training guide to make the pesticide training an Advanced Gardener class. First class set up protocol and we will be following guidelines for MSDS policy. More classes to come. We will be putting signs up for both gardeners and general public to stay out of areas or just letting them know we sprayed. More to come on this. We follow integrated pest management which we do only the minimum to correct.
We will be assisting schools with Eating from the Garden Programs. Mary Carey motioned that we approve $100.00 to buy seeds for program. Laura Steimel seconded. Vote was unanimous in favor.
Looking to have Master Gardeners to volunteer to be at every class with for Fall Master Gardener class.
We will be presenting at next meeting a focus group on priorities and current objectives. More to come.
From 6-6:15 at next meeting Rich will present “Future of Gardens.” Be sure to attend.
Committee Reports
Speakers – Val Mertz. Requested we discuss the selection for the Paul Hendricks award. Table for our next meeting.
Hortline- Patti Kolek. Suggested we have speaker John Miller next spring on the Purple Martin Houses. Will get information to Val.
Education- Mary Medina. Nothing new at this time.
Demonstrations Gardens- Mary Carey is now doing cottage garden and Waneta Parmenter is doing perennials.
Greenhouse- Evelyn Franks. Nothing new at this time.
Old Business/New Business
MOMGA is giving out a $100 Scholarship for someone to attend State Conference in Kansas City in September. We will also be helping sponsoring someone at the conference. No one responded to this will bring up at next meeting again.
Extension Council update: All groups will have to fill out Rental Agreement once a year to use rooms at extension. Possible deposit as well. Will only have to do once a year.
Mary Carey motions to affirm our pledge of $500.00 for ice maker to the extension council. Joe Walker seconded motion. Vote was unanimous in favor.
Joe Walker brought possible tour in St. Louis for Food Roof Farms. More to come. Mary Medina getting scheduled.
Some St. Louis County Master Gardner’s showing interest in transferring. More research on this.
Del Moeller received a donation of Drip Irrigation equipment. More research being done on cost and using it. Rich might get possible grant to cover any additional cost. More to come.
It was moved by Joe Walker to adjourn meeting and seconded by Mary Carey. All approved