St Charles County Master Gardeners
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Steering Committee Minutes
Date: June 10, 2016
Call to order
Sharon Hedges called to order the regular meeting of the Master Gardeners Steering Committee at 9:10 AM on May 10, 2016
Joe Walker, Al Winkeler, Sharon Hedges, Laura Steimel, Rich Hoormann
Secretary’s Report
Laura Steimel read the minutes from the last meeting. It was moved by Joe Walker and seconded by Al Winkeler that the minutes be approved as read. Vote was unanimous in favor.
Treasury Report
Current bank balance presented by Joe Walker.
MU Extension Specialist- Rich Hoorman
Will be gathering information on supplying Community Gardens with plants and what they would like. More information on this at July meeting. Will need to decide what we can do.
Code of Conduct Agreement with Missouri Extension will need to be signed. Will review and discuss at next meeting in July.
Possible 250 Gallon water tank for outside of greenhouse to help with watering. Rich will review with Evelyn Franks.
Rich still interested in doing educational videos on how to. Wanting volunteers and ideas. No more than 3 minutes. Will have put in Monday newsletter and discuss at next Master Gardeners monthly meeting
Committee Reports
Speakers – Val Mertz. We have speakers for both June and July Meetings.
Hortline- Patti Kolek. She will be setting up scheduling to do both St. Charles and Lake St. Louis Farmers Markets. Volunteers still welcomed. .
Education- Mary Medina. Lawn Chair Tuesday is on June 14, 2016. Start time will be 6:30 PM. Set up is at 5:30. Come help. Jefferson City Master Gardeners are coming to tour and garden and have lunch on June 18, 2016. Need volunteers to set up Room C for lunch. It was motioned by Laura Steimel and seconded by Joe Walker to pay $10.00 for lunch for all volunteers. Vote was unanimous in favor. Hummerts Expo is September 1, 2016. To see what’s new. Let Mary know if you can go.
Demonstrations Gardens- Mary Carey. Be sure and turn in receipts for Demo Gardens.
Greenhouse- Evelyn Franks. Nothing new at this time.
New Business
MOMGA is giving out a $100 Scholarship for someone to attend State Conference in Kansas City in September. Will present at next Master Gardner meeting to find out who interested in going. We will also be helping sponsoring someone at the conference. More to come.
Code of Conduct Agreement will be reviewed at July Steering Committee Meeting and Signed.
It was moved by Joe Walker to adjourn meeting and seconded by Al Winkeler. All approved