St Charles County Master Gardeners
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Steering Committee Minutes
Date: May 13, 2016
I. Call to order
Sharon Hedges called to order the regular meeting of the Master Gardeners Steering Committee at 9:05 AM on May 13, 2016
II. Attendance
Joe Walker, Al Winkeler, Sharon Hedges, Laura Steimel, Rich Hoormann, Mary Carey, and Mary Medina
III. Secretary’s Report
Laura Steimel read the minutes from the last meeting. It was moved by Joe Walker and seconded by Mary Carey that the minutes be approved as read. Vote was unanimous in favor.
IV. Treasury Report
Current bank balance presented by Joe Walker. It was moved by Mary Carey and seconded by Laura Steimel that Treasurer’s Report be accepted. Vote was unanimous in favor.
V. MU Extension Specialist- Rich Hoorman
a. Still working on left over flood issue. Needing to put mosquito repellent in standing water till it is drained.
b. Wanting to organize more on Monsanto GMO seeds.
c. Advised Pesticide Drop Off is in Montgomery City, June 4, 2016 and Canton, MO May 21, 2016. Will be organizing a drop off here to take to one of these locations. Also working to see if we can be a drop off site for 2017.
d. Wanting to groups to help the Extension Council to help replace ice maker in kitchen. Council to pay balance. Request is to be made to Master Gardeners, 4-H, and Bee Keeper groups. It was moved to allocate $500.00 for ice maker by Laura Steimel and seconded by Joe Walker. Vote was unanimous in favor. Sharon will send letter from Master Gardener group about our allocation.
e. Rich passed around Hortline Quick Sheets that he and the Hortline have been working on.
VI. Committee Reports
a) General Reports – Val Mertz. Speaker for May is going to be about Carnivorous plants.
b) Hortline- Patti Kolek. Looking to man phone for 4 hours a day. Still need volunteers. She will be presenting Hortline Quick Sheets at meeting.
c) Education- Mary Medina is setting up plans for Lawn chair Tuesday on June 14, 2016. Start time will be 6:30 PM.
d) Demonstrations Gardens- Mary Carey. No one spending their money for their gardens. Please turn in receipts.
e) Greenhouse- Evelyn Franks. Evelyn gives a big thanks with everyone helped in green house for the plant sale. She will be getting estimates together for green house and look at where she can get fans. Will present in future meeting.
VII. New Business
a) We received a letter from Emmaus Home for assistance with community project. Was decided not in our scope of assisting. Rich Hoorman took letter to respond back to the group.
b) 4- H Group requesting assistance from Master Gardeners and Naturalist to assist with project on Camp Out at Cuivre River State Park in Troy. Takes about an hour. Will represent at monthly meeting for any interest.
c) Girl Scout Troop seeking assistance on Plant Badge. Will present at meeting to see if any interest. Also to see if anyone interested in getting background checks done for group so we can sponsor or assist with children in group project.
d) Jefferson City Master Gardeners will touring our Demo Gardens on June 18, 2016.
VIII. Adjournment
It was moved by Mary Carey to adjourn meeting and seconded by Joe Walker. All approved