St Charles County Master Gardeners
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Master Gardeners Meeting
July 28, 2016
Call to Order
Meeting was called to order by President Sharon Hedges.
Secretary’s Report- Minutes from last meeting are available on line and copies available at meeting. Mary Carey motioned to approved minutes, seconded my Joe Walker. Minutes approve by all.
Treasurer’s Report- Joe Walker advised we currently have a balance (Contact Joe for amount). We have money set aside for Greenhouse maintenance. Laura Steimel motioned to approve as reported. It was seconded by Mary Carey. Approved by all.
Committee Reports
Meetings- Val Mertz was not present. August 25 meeting will be on Orchids.
Membership- Waneta Parmenter was not present. Sharon present Master Gardener badges and certificates to new and transferring members. Welcome all.
Hortline- Patti Kolek advised the hortline was busy. Still would like volunteers. Also looking for volunteers for St. Charles Farmers Market for September 17, 2016.
Education- Mary Medina- August 11, 2016 Lawn Care Level II Training. More to come. Our next Lawn Chair Tuesday will be on September 20, 2016. Topics are harvesting seeds, Cuttings, No Till Gardening, Lasagna Gardening, and Extended Growing Season. Contact Mary to present subject or other ideas. October 10, 2016 there will be a program, Eating from the Garden, 9:30 to 12:00. Looking for volunteers and Help. More to come.
Demonstration Gardens- Mary Carey- Pantry Garden has donated 482 pounds of produce.
Greenhouse- Evelyn Franks – nothing new to report.
New Business and Old Business
Mary Medina and Blanche Kelly (President of MOMGA)
presented new information on Master Gardening Program. Not much change to way we do things. If we work with children we have to have background checks. Rich Hoorman has to approve activities. Has volunteers we do represent MU and have to follow all federal, state, and local laws. We will all have to sign a new code of conduct when ready. You will not be required to sign code of conduct but you will not be covered under the Missouri Extension Liability. More to come on this.
Bob Lee presented event, Missourians for Monarch September 10, 2016. 2nd year for event at Weldon Springs. Would like Master Gardeners to have a booth and volunteers for event. Need to wear Master Gardeners Shirts. More to come in Monday Email.
Sharon Hedges adjourned meeting.
Note: 43 Members in attendance.