St Charles County Master Gardeners
Click on address for map.
Master Gardeners Meeting
September 22, 2016
Call to Order
Meeting was called to order by President Sharon Hedges.
Secretary’s Report- Minutes from last meeting are available on line and copies available at meeting. Marsha Brown motioned to approved minutes, seconded Pam Yankey. Minutes approved by all.
Treasurer’s Report- Joe Walker advised we currently have a balance (see Treasurer for amount). We have money set aside for Greenhouse maintenance. Laura Steimel motioned to approve as reported. It was seconded by Mary Carey. Approved by all.
Committee Reports
Meetings- Val Mertz –nothing new.
Membership- Waneta Parmenter –Reminder all Master Gardeners have to do 5 hours in the demo gardens.
Hortline- Patti Kolek –still slowing down.
Education- Mary Medina- Pam Yankey is having a seed collection class on Saturday for members and new class members. Upcoming events being planned Hypertufa Plant containers, tool sharpening, Back Yard Bird Count. More to come.
Demonstration Gardens- Mary Carey- Congratulations to Ken Peine on the redo of the front of building. Looks great. Thanks to all those who helped out with this. Marsha advised we were getting rid of strawberries from the orchard. They have grown to maximum. If anyone wants any they can have them. They have till Wednesday to get them out. Also we have bird netting available if anyone is interested. See Mary Carey or Marsha Brown.
Greenhouse- Evelyn Franks – nothing new to report.
New Business and Old Business
Nominating Committee –Mary Carey and Laura Steimel have 2 candidates for Steering Committee, Joe Walker and Craig Morton. Al Winkeler motioned to approve both Joe Walker and Greg Martin for Steering Committee nominees, second by Val Mertz. Approved by all.
Val Mertz is still accepting nominations for the Paul Hendricks Award. All nomination must be in by Friday September 30, 2016. Voting will be done by past winners. If anyone else would like to vote let Val know.
Our Vice President Al Winkeler still needs garden leads and members help. He has to do a summary of what we as Master Gardeners have did/and or doing for the year 2016 to report to Extension Council. Also needs anything planned for 2017. Contact Al.
Sharon Hedges adjourned meeting.
Note: 45 Members in attendance.