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Steering Committee Minutes

                                                                        Date:  April 14, 2017



Call to order

Al Winkeler called to order the regular meeting of the Master Gardeners Steering Committee at 9:05 am on April 14, 2017.



In attendance: Al Winkeler, Joe Walker, Laura Steimel, Mary Carey, Craig Morton, and Rich Hoormann.


Secretary’s Report

Laura Steimel read the minutes from the last meeting. It was moved by Mary Carey and seconded by Joe Walker that the minutes be approved as read.  Vote was unanimous in favor.


 Treasury Report 

Current bank balance is $2990.72 presented by Joe Walker. It was noted that we have spent $5309.95 for year so far.   It was moved by Mary Carey and seconded by Craig Morton that the treasury report be approved. Vote was unanimous in favor.


MU Extension Specialist- Rich Hoormann

Request for Master Gardeners to be present on April 18 to assist with tour for MU Staff visiting the extensions. Mary Medina will be doing tour of green house and gardens. Their tour will be about 20 minutes. They will be here from 9 am to 10 am. Tour will begin around 9:30 am. Volunteers welcome to be on hand.

Rich has cleaned out the shed and now more room for storage. The chainsaws are his and no one should use them.

Rich stated he got blocks to terrace up the front for more flower beds and to eliminate any mowing issues with slope. He will be working with Craig Morton and other MG members to put the blocks in later this summer.


Committee Reports

  1. Speakers – Val Mertz. Nothing new. We have ordered 3 honey bags for speakers.

  2. Hortline- Patti Kolek. Training class was a success. Some people are training side by sides. The hope is for volunteers to sign to work some hours.  

  3. Education- Mary Medina. Mary has been working very hard on plant sale and green house. Reminder if signed up to work please show up or notify us so replacements can be found. We are down to last few weeks and we need everyone’s help.

  4. Demonstrations Gardens- Mary Carey. Please look for Mary Carey or any garden lead when you show up to volunteer on Wednesday or Saturday. There will be a white board by shed area telling you who to look for. More to come on this.

  5.   Greenhouse –Evelyn Franks. Once again if you signed up please show up or notify so replacements can be found.  We are down to the last few weeks and we need everyone to help.


Old Business

Travel time for volunteers. It should be recorded as actual time. From the time, you leave home till arrive and same for going home.

 Farmers Market for St. Charles begins in June. More to come at MG meeting.

Garden Expo at Fort Zumwalt Park May 6, 2017, 10 am to 2 pm. Al Winkeler and Laura Steimel volunteering. Anyone else interested contact either of us.

History Day at First Capital on June 13, 2017. We will have signup sheet for this at next MG meeting. Thinking maybe doing 2-hour time slots. More to come.  

We received thank you letter from Officer Lenac from Juvenile Community Garden for plant donation.


  • New Business

  • Parking Lot extension plans will be covered by extension council.

  • It was discussed we need a better program for organizing volunteers to work in Demo Garden. It was decided for now all leads would sign in on white board where they can be located. This will be outside on fence to shed area. All should be referred to Mary Carey first and then to a lead. All leads need to communicate they need help with to Mary. More on this later.

  • New online member had question on where she could do hours. It was noted she still would be required to do 20 hours in demo garden. County and state parks would be allowed for remainder.

  • We are getting a free pergola from member. We will present to leads on ideas where to locate. Plan needs to be presented to Coordinator Rich Hoormann so he can present to extension council. More to come on this.

  • Girl Scout Troup has requested a tour of demo gardens with MG. Laura Steimel will Contact to set up.

  • We will discuss at next MG meeting succession planning for various positions in our organization and establish committees to handle and take control. We are getting to be a larger organization and need more help on certain areas.  More to come at next meeting.

  • Mary Carey made a motion to move our business portion of Master Garden Meeting to 6:30 to 7:00 pm with speaker at 7:00 p.m. Laura Steimel seconded. Vote was unanimous in favor.


  • Adjournment

  • Joe Walker moved to adjourn meeting and seconded Mary Carey. All approved.


President                                Laura Steimel

Vice - President                     Jackie Johnson

Treasurer                                Rebecca Poon

Secretary                                Sandra Newsom 

Demonstration Garden      Cindy Platzer

Education                               Patti Kolek

Hortline                                  Patti Kolek

Plant Sale Coordinator       Donna Lindsey

Membership                          Kevin Lynch

Weekly Newsletter              Melanie Elick

                                                  Jeannie Ferguson

Web master                           Mary Carey​​

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