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Master Gardeners Meeting


Call to Order

Meeting was called to order by Al Winkeler.

Secretary’s Report- Minutes from last meeting are available on line and copies available at meeting.  Patti Kolek made a motion that we approve minutes as read, was seconded by David Wilson.  Vote was unanimous in favor

Treasurer’s Report- Joe Walker states we currently have a bank balance of (see treasurer for amount). Laura Steimel made a motion that we approve treasurer’s report, was seconded by Mary Carey.  Vote was unanimous in favor.

MU Extension Report- Rich Hoormann- Was not present for meeting.

Committee Reports

  • - Waneta Parmenter – Paula Stone completed her hours and was awarded Master Gardener Badge and certificate.  Note we will have quite a few more official members at next meeting.

  • Hortline- Patti Kolek –We have been busy on Hortline.  Thank everyone for signing up. Farmers Market in St. Charles is small but we are talking to everyone we can.  

  • Education- Mary Medina- Discussed Annual State Conference held last week in Columbia. All who attended talked about what they learned.  2018 Conference will be held in Branson- Harmony in Garden. More to come on this. Watch bi-weekly email. Dig In to be held February at St. Charles Community College. If you have any ideas on topics for classes please contact Mary. There will be more to come on this. Email

  • Demonstration Gardens- Mary Carey. We always need help in garden. Look for weed me signs. Everything needs weeding. Look for lead when you come. Victoria Gally and Laura Steimel have volunteered to be overall Garden Co-Leads. All leads watch for email for meeting. We do have to vote on this.

  • Greenhouse- Evelyn Franks – Evelyn has stepped down from managing greenhouse. Amy Templer has volunteered with co-lead Cindy Platzer to lead green house. All leads watch your emails for meeting. We do have to vote on this.


New Business

  • Maureen Walmsley had great idea for Wacko MG Garden Competition. Thanks for everyone who participated. Good time had by all.  Check Facebook for pictures.

  • Monarch Madness to be held in Weldon Springs on September 9, 2017.



Old Business

  • Members did bring donated pergola to extension. Need ideas on where to put. If you have any ideas. Please let Craig Morton know. Will be discussed at next Leads Meeting.

  • Our next meeting will be held at Heritage Park in St. Charles. Bring your own food. Directions:  Heritage Museum is located at Heritage Landing and Hwy 94. Map can located on St. Charles County Parks web site. Address is 1630 Heritage Landing, St. Peters, MO 63303.

  • History Day at First Capitol on June 13 went well and was fun. Terri Scheer, not present, and Mary Medina work with the kids.

  • Barnhardt Church Group Tour Saturday, June 24 at 2:30.

  • Gardening Boy Scout Merit Badges can be done by Master Gardeners. Cindy Richardson went through their requirements. Looking for volunteers willing to help with this. Contact Cindy at email



  • Virginia Beckley motion we adjourn meeting, Mary Carey seconded. Al Winkeler adjourned meeting.

46 people in attendance

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