St Charles County Master Gardeners
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Steering Committee Minutes
Date: March 10, 2017
Call to order
Al Winkeler called to order the regular meeting of the Master Gardeners Steering Committee at 9:00AM on March 10, 2017.
In attendance: Al Winkeler, Joe Walker, Mary Carey, Craig Morton, and Rich Hoorman, MU Extension Specialist
Secretary's Report
All members having read the minutes of the February 10, 2017 meeting, it was moved by Mary Carey and seconded by Joe Walker that the minutes be approved as submitted. Vote was unanimous in favor to approve. In Laura Steimel's absence, Craig Morton was acting secretary.
Treasurer's Report
Current bank account balance (see treasurer for amount). Treasurer Joe Walker noted that adjustments were made since the last meeting to Greenhouse expense and Capital Allocation accounts to properly reflect fixed asset expenditures. Motion by Marey Carey and seconded by Craig Morton that the Treasurer's Report be accepted as presented. Vote was unanimous in favor to approve.
MU Extension Specialist
Rich Hoorman informed the Committee that MG Ken Piney has created a decorative ornament celebrating gardening that would be appropriate as a design piece for the exterior entrance to Room C of the Extension Center. A motion was made by Joe Walker and seconded by Mary Carey that the Steering Committee give its support to the installation of the work. Approved unanimously.
Mr. Hoorman indicated that he would like to see some additional changes to the front of the Extension premises to improve the curb appeal of the property, and to improve safety for those who mow and maintain the area. The possibility of adding a retaining wall was discussed.
Mr Hoorman reported that he will pilot, manage, and teach an Advanced Class in IPM, Soil Pest Management. The initial class will be for Master Gardeners only. There will be no charge to Master Gardeners.
Credit card machines will be available for the plant sales and, pending written confirmation, we may not have to collect sales tax for our plant sales.
Plant sale flyers will now identify the St Charles County Master Gardeners, the University Extension Council and the Extension Foundation.
MOMGA Code of Conduct: Modifications are being considered for the code of conduct and we will be apprised as they occur.
The Greater St. Louis Pest Control Association (GSLPCA) has donated camera equipment to the St. Charles County Master Gardeners. In return the MU Extension Specialist will from time to time assist in taking pictures for the GSLPCA's research purposes.
Committee Reports
Speakers - No report
Hortline - Hortline training will be held March 30 from 10:00 AM to noon. Staffing of the Hortline will begin the first of April.
Membership - No report
Education - No report
Demo Gardens - The March 11 lead's meeting has been canceled due to anticipated inclement weather. Mr. Hoorman mentioned that we need to take steps to preserve the wooden structures in the demo gardens. Further discussion to follow.
Greenhouse - No report, however it was noted that the plugs have arrived and have some minor transit loss. The plugs are in the process of being transplanted.
A discussion of the propane/heating issues in the greenhouse was held. Workmen from the St Peters CO-OP, our propane supplier, have been onsite and believe the problem has been resolved. The tank has been refilled and the heater is functioning as of today March 10, 2017.
The policy regarding reporting travel time was discussed. It was decided that for the time being Master Gardeners will report the actual time spent traveling to and from qualified activities. A suggestion was made to conduct an anonymous survey of members to determine how much time they actually spend in travel on behalf of the Master Gardeners.
Four worktables have been donated by and received from Faust Park.
St. Charles County Master Gardeners will have an information booth at the St Charles Farmers Market the 1st Saturday of each month beginning May 3rd. The Lake Saint Louis Farmers Market will also be contacted regarding our participation at their site.
Joe Walker has met twice with Officer Lenac regarding their desire to establish a community garden for juveniles. Mr. Walker has provided planning materials and advice, which were well received.
Joe Walker reported that there has been no recent contact with the AM-Vets regarding their plans for a Victory Garden. Rich Hoorman said he would contact them for an update.
Rich Hoorman will contact the Three Rivers Beekeepers regarding concerns we have about mowing close to the on-premise beehives.
The Master Gardeners have received an invitation to attend an educational event sponsored by the St. Charles County Parks Department at Broemmelsiek Park on March 22, 2017. The topic will be pollinators and the presenter will be MaryAnn Fink, the Curator of the Pollinator and Life Exhibit at the Museum of Transportation. We will inform our membership through the weekly newsletter.
A motion was made by Mary Carey and seconded by Joe Walker to adjourn the meeting at 10:30AM. All approved.