St Charles County Master Gardeners
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Steering Committee Minutes
Date: November 13, 2017
Call to order
Al Winkeler called to order the regular meeting of the Master Gardeners Steering Committee at 9:06 AM on November 13, 2017.
People in attendance were Al Winkeler, Joe Walker, Laura Steimel, Craig Morton, Victoria Gally, and Mary Carey.
Secretary’s Report
All members having read the minutes of the October 13, 2017 meeting, it was moved by Victoria Gally and seconded by Craig Morton that the minutes be approved as submitted. Vote was unanimous in favor to approve.
Treasury Report
Current bank account balance (see treasurer for amount.) It was moved Laura Steimel and seconded by Victoria Gally that the Treasurer's Report be accepted as presented. Vote was unanimous in favor to approve.
Committee Reports
Hortline- Patti Kolek. Hortline is now being manned at MG volunteer’s home through March.
Demonstrations Gardens- Victoria Gally and Laura Steimel- Advised they would be putting plastic on hoop house this Saturday. Treasure Joe Walker will be provided probable expenditures for garden for remainder of year.
Greenhouse –Amy Templer/ Cindy Platzer. Amy Templer husband will remove unwanted donated items for us from Highway Patrol.
Education- Dig in - Mary Kenley and Mary Medina. Mary Medina submitted an update for Dig In. All vendors and speakers have been contacted and a written communication will be sent to each this week. Rest until after the holidays. Advertising is set, registration will begin in mid to late January and done through our office. Please note the change of price to $35 each.
Mary Medina submitted an update for MOMGA. She reminded the Steering Committee that the St. Charles Master Gardeners have 2 votes at MOMGA and because her of her position as treasurer she cannot vote. Volunteers are needed to attend and represent our chapter at the MOMGA Meetings. She also reminded Steering Committee that this would be her last year on MOMGA.
Plant Sale-Marsha Brown/Laura Steimel –Basically working with Coordinators and growers to get plants started. Growers Meeting November 11, 2017 was good.
New/Old Business
2018 MG Class Lead facilitator will be Mary Carey. Sign-up sheet for weekly facilitators was about half filled up with people. Will put out again at January meeting again. Steering Committee required at first meeting. Class will be held in Room C, 01/31/2018 through 05/09/2018.
We have only one person interested in scholarship. We will award Barb Hassler the scholarship.
MG Insurance. Issue will be handled at extension level.
Joe Walker is sending a thank you note to the Highway Patrol.
Research was done insurance for the office staff. After checking with office staff members it was thanks but not needed at this time.
Laura Steimel volunteered to go to Missouri Green Conference on November 29, 2017. Anyone interested in helping at table let her know.
Joe Walker will follow with extension if anyone feels the need to attend our meeting since Rich Hoormann is gone.
Al Winkeler stated he already book meeting rooms for 2018 for steering committee meetings and monthly Master Gardener Meetings.
Mary Carey came to meeting to present options what to purchase from Constant Contact to continue MG biweekly emails. The Steering Committee via email Laura Steimel made a motion to purchase Constant Contact and was seconded by Joe. Enough voted in favor to purchase. At meeting Mary presented the different prices we could pay and what we got. It was put forth to approve the higher option with the different discounts to pay $378.00 per year. Victoria Gally motions we get the $45 a month with the discounts and Joe Walker seconded. Vote was unanimous.
Holiday Party will be December 1, 2017. Jan Brown in 0ffice emailed invitations. Set up will be on Thursday, November 30, 2017 at 9:00 am.
Notes: We will have a Steering Committee Meeting December 8, 2017. Will extend invite to new committee members.
A motion was made by Joe Walker and seconded by Laura Steimel to adjourn. All approved.