St Charles County Master Gardeners
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Master Gardeners Meeting
October 26, 20174
Meeting was called to order by Al Winkeler.
Secretary’s Report- Minutes from last meeting are available on line. Mary Carey made a motion that we approve minutes as read, was seconded by Patti Kolek. Vote was unanimous in favor.
Treasurer’s Report- Joe Walker states we currently have a bank balance of(see treasurer for amount.). Mary Carey made a motion that we approve treasurer’s report, was seconded by Laura Steimel. Vote was unanimous in favor.
MU Extension Report- Rich Hoormann-not present.
Committee Reports
Speaker- Val Mertz- nothing at this time.
Membership- Waneta Parmenter –Not present. Several membership badges were given out. Advanced Master Gardener was awarded to Maureen Wamlsey. Emeritus and Advanced Master Gardener was awarded to Patti Kolek. Congrats to all.
Hortline- Patti Kolek – Hortline will be manned from home of volunteers until spring.
Education- Mary Medina- not present.
Demonstration Gardens- Victoria Galley/Laura Steimel. Advised we were working on budget for 2018. Thank everyone for their hard work in garden. Advised we had free pots from State Highway Patrol for members. Advised we have gardens available. The bulb garden and the Lasagna Garden are up for grabs. If interested contact Victoria or Laura.
Greenhouse- Amy Templer/ Cindy Platzer. Thanks went out to all who helped power wash green house.
New Business
2018 Master Garden Class will be held Wednesday, January 31, 2018 through May 9, 2018. Mary Carey will be main facilitators for class. Sign-up sheet was passed around for facilitators for each class. If you did not sign-up contact Mary Carey.
Marsha Brown update on plant sale. Working with growers and will be having meetings in November to get started growing plants. More to come on this. Advised we did take donation from Highway Patrol and have a few lights and light bulbs for growers.
Greenhouse covering was completed. They also completed power washing the greenhouse. Thanks to all who helped with this.
We elected unanimously both Kevin Minard and David Prince to the steering committee for 2018. Congratulation.
Please note that Master Gardener Holiday Party will be Friday, December 1, 2017. Look for invitation in your email. We will have paper good and diaper drop for food pantry donation. Mark volunteered to smoke meat again. MG’s will bring food items per invitation. There will also be a Silent Auction and games. If you have any item for auction, please bring.
David Wilson gave a class Saturday on cleaning and sharpening tools. Mg tools were cleaned and put away for winter.
It was noted the Extension Council has openings. If interested see Emily Barbee and or Mary Carey.
NOTE: No meetings in November or December
Al Winkeler adjourn meeting.
69 people in attendance