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Steering Committee Minutes       Date:  October 13, 2017 
Call to order 
ï‚· Al Winkeler called to order the regular meeting of the Master Gardeners Steering Committee at 9:05 AM on October 13, 2017. 

ï‚· People in attendance were Al Winkeler, Joe Walker, Laura Steimel, Rich Hoormann, Victoria Gally, and Marsha Brown. 

Secretary’s Report  
ï‚· All members having read the minutes of the September 8, 2017 meeting, it was moved by Joe Walker seconded by Al Winkeler that the minutes be approved as submitted.  Vote was unanimous in favor to approve.

Treasury Report   
ï‚· Current bank account balance $(See treasurer for amount).   It was moved Laura Steimel and seconded by Al Winkeler that the Treasurer's Report be accepted as presented.  Vote was unanimous in favor to approve.  

MU Extension Specialist- Rich Hoormann 
ï‚· Rich Hoormann advised he would be teaching 2 more Advance Training Classed for MG the next week.    

ï‚· Rich Hoormann is working on getting an MG to set up Master Gardeners Speaker Bureau.  ï‚· Rich Hoormann advised the big shed is being reorganized so there would be more storage for Master Gardeners.  

Rich Hoormann supplied Steering Committee with application to obtain additional Liability Insurance for organized events for public. We do not have additional insurance for volunteers of MG program at extension or for sponsored events. This is part of the volunteer agreement we sign when we become Master Gardeners.  

ï‚· Rich Hoormann advised to let Jan Brown in office if we have a cash flow problem at any time.

Committee Reports 
ï‚· Speakers – Val Mertz. No report.  
ï‚· Hortline- Patti Kolek.  Hortline is in office though October.


ï‚· Membership-Waneta Parmenter.  Please get your hours logged for year.


ï‚· Demonstrations Gardens- Victoria Gally and Laura Steimel- Advised would be having our next meeting prior to MG monthly meeting October 26, 2017 at 5:00 pm in Room B. No more spending in Demonstration Garden without prior approval. Leads are working on closing down for winter.


ï‚· Greenhouse –Amy Templer/ Cindy Platzer. Pots and containers still need cleaned. See Cindy to help.  


ï‚· Education-Mary Medina. Dig in. Not present for meeting. It was brought up for discussion that volunteers are required to pay registration which was not a problem. Question on if actual presenters have to pay registration fee. Tabled for next meeting and follow up with Mary Medina.  


ï‚· Plant Sale-Marsha Brown/Laura Steimel.  Hands out on Time line of events were supplied to steering committee being advised that the Cool Weather Sale would be March 10, 2018. It was stated we have vegetable planting training set up and will have a cheat sheet for all growers. More to come on this. Marsha Brown requested we review the labeling of plants for plants sale. A motion was made by Laura Steimel to establish A Basic Rule. If we divide plant, or start with cuttings, or from collected seeds we use a general label for the plants we sale. Rich Hoormann recommended we put in minutes. Victoria Gally seconded motion and vote was unanimous in favor to approve.   
 New/Old Business  
ï‚· 2018 MG Class Lead facilitator will be Mary Carey. Sign-up sheet for weekly facilitators will be at October MG meeting.  Class will be held in Room C, 01/31/2018 through 05/09/2018. Advertisement for class and sign up will start in October.  


ï‚· We now have one nomination for scholarship for Mg Class. All nominations must be in by November 15, 2017.


ï‚· Donated pergola will be moved to be stored. Donator does not care what we do with. Will be tabled for this year.  


ï‚· It was noted that we have 4 nominations for Paul Hendricks Award. ï‚· Sheriffs Department wanting to donate growing equipment. Joe Walker was going to check out and decide if we will take.  

ï‚· New election of Steering Committee Officers will be at October Meeting.


 ï‚· New Flags were put up at extension. A big thanks to Al Winkeler on the ceremony. Everyone present enjoyed.  


ï‚· Party for Rich Hoormann October 26, 2017 Meeting. Lots planned. Extension employees invited. 6:00 pm General meeting. Party after that. Garden leads will meet at 5 in room B.


ï‚· Christmas Party will be December 1, 2017. Set up in Morning. We decided Mark could smoke meat with $100.00 budget. Al Winkeler will be working on games. We will have a 
silent Auction. Advise members to bring items. We will be doing Diaper Drop and paper good collection for Charity.  We need to complete invitation and supply to Carol in office to send out.  


ï‚· It was noted that anyone who wants to present something to steering committee should supply hard copy of information they are presenting to group. This should be done whether they are present or not.  
ï‚· A motion was made by Joe Walker and seconded by Al Winkeler to adjourn.  All approved. 

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