St Charles County Master Gardeners
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Master Gardeners Meeting September 28, 2017
Call to Order
Meeting was called to order by Al Winkeler.
Secretary’s Report- Minutes from last meeting are available online. Cindy Platzer made a motion that we approve minutes as read, was seconded by Pam Yankey. Vote was unanimous in favor
Treasurer’s Report- Joe Walker states we currently have a bank balance of (see treasurer for amount). Joe presented spreadsheet showing expected expenses through the plant sale date. Motion was to approve report and was seconded. Vote was unanimous in favor.
MU Extension Report- Rich Hoormann
Rich thanked Joe Walker for his work with Jan Brown in office on bookkeeping and his presentation at meeting.
Rich advised there would be luncheon for Hortline volunteers on Monday and afterwards would be reviewing what went on this year. He invited anyone who wanted to attend.
Rich ask if any new members were present to welcome them. No one was at meeting.
Committee Reports
ï‚· Meetings- Val Mertz – She will be working on next year presenter. Next meeting Party for Rich.
ï‚· Membership- Waneta Parmenter – We have several members earn there badges. Al Winkeler and Waneta presented to those attending meeting. Congratulations.
ï‚· Hortline- Patti Kolek –One more month in office. Patty spoke again about quizzes for meeting. She advised there is a link in Monday email for MG. You print that out and look on MU extension web site for publication listed for quiz and answer question referencing the document. Bring to meeting and check your answers. Leave on table. Record 0.50 hours of CEU on volunteer web page.
ï‚· Education- Mary Medina- Mary Medina had meeting on Dig In prior to speaker. She took sign up for volunteers and advised what was being done to date. If you did not sign up reach out to Mary Medina. All volunteers and presenters will be expected to register for Dig In.
ï‚· Demonstration Gardens- Victoria Gally and Laura Steimel. Thanks everyone for their hard work in gardens and that they were looking good. Also advised lead meeting in October at 5:00am in Room B. Check our face book page for pictures of the garden.
ï‚· Greenhouse- Amy Templer and Cindy Platzer –Cindy advised she would be there Sunday if anyone wanted to come help wash pots. This can be done any time till all are cleaned up.
New Business
ï‚· Plant Sale. Marsha Brown advised we are working on getting growers organized. There will be classes held for all on how to grow. More to come on this. She noted before you bring in plants to reach out to either Donna Lindsay or Glenda Duffy. The plants cannot be repotted with your soil from home. Shake off if possible. We can do here is it will hurt the plant. We went to Hummert’s and ordered plugs for plant sale.
ï‚· Greenhouse renovations will be on October 6 and 7. ï‚· We will be having election of Steering Committee Member at October Meeting. If interested contact Al Winkeler. ï‚· We will be having go away party for Rich Hoormann at October Meeting.
Christmas Party will be held on December 1, 2017. Watch emails for invitation.
Old Business
ï‚· Val Mertz still accepting Nominations for Paul Hendrich Award.
ï‚· Al Winkeler adjourned meeting.
56 people in attendance