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13 April, 2018 Master Gardener Steering Committee

Meeting Attendees: Craig Morton, Victoria Gally, Joe Walker, David Prince, Kevin Minard, Laura Steimel Visitors: Emily Barbee, Delbert Moeller, Lauren Richardson, Carol Grote


Call to order: Craig Morton called the meeting to order.


Secretary’s report: David Prince called attention to the published 9 March 2018 secretary’s report and asked for review and approval. Victoria Gally made a motion for approval of the minutes, as written. Joe Walker seconded the motion. Minutes were approved.


Treasurer’s report: Joe Walker advised of the cash in the bank which included profits from the cool season plant sale minus expenses. Hummerts has delivered seeds etc. but has not billed us yet for all of them.


Emily Barbee provided overview of MO County Extension plans for staffing offices. St Charles County is planned to get a Hort Specialist.

Some Master Gardener trainees have missed up to 3 classes but can make them up by attending those classes in the future or doing them on line.


Larua Stiemel Clean up of demo gardens is behind schedule due to weather. Watering schedule is being updated for the green house. Demo garden cleanup is under way prior to plant sale. Day Lilly garden needs weeding.


Emeritus status has been achieved by Cindy Platzer. Her years of active service qualifies her.


Lauren Richardson Talked about Boys and Girls Club Garden and 4H. They would like Master Gardeners to provide volunteers to help and provide short talks on gardening. They start May 29th and go through 3 August.


Craig Morton Discussions were held about having a “Speakers Bureau” to obtain speakers and provide opportunity for Master Gardeners to speak on gardening subjects. Kevin Minard and Victoria Gally volunteered to be the speakers bureau and review options on topics.


Creek bank restoration Request for the planning of how “restoration is to take place and what will be done” was tabled until Mary Carey provides the details.


By-Laws update was presented by Joe Walker. He provided an overview and requested comments be sent to him.


Pergola Wood for donated pergola was discussed. Joe Walker made a motion as follows: Lattice boards are to be scrapped now. Garden Leads can utilize remaining wood as they see fit up until 1 June. Wood not used by 1 June will be scrapped. Laura Stiemel 2nd the motion. Motion was approved. Motion to adjourn the Steering Committee Meeting was made by Joe Walker and seconded by Kevin Minard.


President                                Laura Steimel

Vice - President                     Jackie Johnson

Treasurer                                Rebecca Poon

Secretary                                Sandra Newsom 

Demonstration Garden      Cindy Platzer

Education                               Patti Kolek

Hortline                                  Patti Kolek

Plant Sale Coordinator       Donna Lindsey

Membership                          Kevin Lynch

Weekly Newsletter              Melanie Elick

                                                  Jeannie Ferguson

Web master                           Mary Carey​​

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