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August 23, 2018


Call to Order:  Meeting was called to order by Vice-President, Kevin Minard at 8pm.  He thanked the herb ladies for their wonderful presentation and assures those not in attendance will have access to the outline of the evening attached to the Monday news.


Secretary's minutes (online) were reviewed and it was moved by Mary Carey and seconded by Nancy Lares that the minutes be approved as presented.  The vote was affirmative.

Treasurer's report:  Joe Walker states a positive net change in July of (See treasurer for amount).


Committee report:

·         Speaker - Val Mertz states our September 27th meeting will be an open house of our demonstration gardens.  Steering committee can decide on food for the evening being an ice cream social or favorite dish from the garden.   Ideas for 2019 year speakers should be shared with Val as soon as possible.

·         Membership - Waneta was not in attendance.  Master Gardener Certificate presented to Jill Zupec.

·         Hortline - Patti reports the hortline continues to be busy and is staffed for this month.  Look for openings to work in September.  Judy Klemme and Patti have constructed picture boards of the MG activities for the public to view at Farmer's Market.

·         Education - Mary reports a successful organizational meeting of the Dig In 2019.  A list of topics for this date will appear in the Monday news along with volunteer opportunities for this event.  Reservations for our three Fall classes offered at the Community College are being taken now by contacting the information on our Monday news.  Classes include:   Sept. 12- Preserving your herbs;   September 19- Seed Saving;   and Oct. 3- Jewels of your Garden:  Bulbs

·         Demonstration Gardens:  Maureen Walmsley continues to look for a co-lead (Flutter-by Garden) and she reports the Monarchs have been sited and eggs are present in the garden.  Watch for them!  Del Moeller reports installation of cover crop in many of the beds in the pantry garden during the month of August.  To date 937 lbs. of produce have been donated to the food pantry. 

·         Greenhouse:  No report

·         Plant Sale:  No report

New Business:

·         By-law revisions are in final revision and acceptance sought.  Mary Carey points out in section VIII. Meetings, paragraph A should change to read, “General meetings will be held monthly except for November.”   In light of these changes, Mary Carey moved and Nancy Lares seconded that the bylaws be accepted with this small change.  Group discussion.   The vote was unanimously in favor.

Good of the Order:

·         Mary Carey reports volunteers need to continue to avoid use of the C room when rented out.

·         Meeting was adjourned 8:25

Mary Medina     23-A


President                                Laura Steimel

Vice - President                     Jackie Johnson

Treasurer                                Rebecca Poon

Secretary                                Sandra Newsom 

Demonstration Garden      Cindy Platzer

Education                               Patti Kolek

Hortline                                  Patti Kolek

Plant Sale Coordinator       Donna Lindsey

Membership                          Kevin Lynch

Weekly Newsletter              Melanie Elick

                                                  Jeannie Ferguson

Web master                           Mary Carey​​

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