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Master Garden Meeting

25 January 2018


Call to Order

    Al Winkeler called to order the meeting of the Master Gardeners.  It was then turned over to the new President, Craig Morton.   New officers are:

President:  Craig Morton

Vice President:  Kevin Minard

Secretary:  David Prince

Treasurer:  Joe Walker


Secretary’s Report:

Attendance:   56 Master Gardeners were present.

The Secretary’s Report from the last meeting in October 2017 has been on line and copies were on the table in the rear of the meeting room.

 Waneta Parmenter moved to dispense with reading the minutes; it was seconded by David Wilson.   Yvonne Von Der Ahe moved to approve the minutes as written.  Motion was seconded by Laura Steimel.


Treasurer’s Report:   Joe Walker provided an overall view of the financial situation and projected expenses up until the plant sale.   The account now has a balance of (see treasurer for amount.).   Joe projects a balance of  about (see treasurer for amount.) at the time of the plant sale.


Val Mertz:  Discussed Master Gardener meeting speakers for this year.  The first speaker is Skip Kincaid,  (Master Arborist).  Some future speakers  will be from the Cactus and Succulent Society,  Ed Spevak from the St Louis Zoo on pollinators, Bonnie Winkeler and Marsha Brown on Honeysuckle removal, and three Master Gardeners on herbs.


Val Mertz  showed a sample of wool pellets from the Wild Valley Farm.  They can be used in potting soil to hold moisture and provide a small amount of nitrogen for plant food.  The pellets are organic and are made from waste wool.  The pellets will soak up to 20 times their weight in water.


Mary Medina talked about the Dig-In on the24th of February.  There are 15 speakers.  Approximately 150 are expected to attend the education classes. 


Rich Hoormann’s position is presently on hold.


Demo Gardens are in need of a lead for the bulb garden.


Marsha Brown:

Green house plant watering signup sheet was passed around for volunteers to sign up.   Watering will start on March 1st.   Seed planting for cool season plants for the plant sale will be 1 February from  3 – 7 PM.


New Business:   The May 24th meeting will be held at the St Charles Daniel Boone Park.   It was voted to start the meeting at 5 PM.  There will be a guided tour and a talk for the Master Gardeners.


Note:   We need people to vote for the St Charles County Extension board.  Patti Kolek is one of the candidates.

Joe Walker is planning to do a Power Point training class (or two).   Time and sign-up is to be determined.


Mary Medina:

MOMGA Conference is scheduled for 28, 29, 30 Sept. 2018  in Branson MO.  There will be MO State Chapter awards among the 57 MO Master Gardener Chapters.   Professors from Iowa will be judging the projects of each Chapter.  


In the past year over 10,500 volunteer hours were logged with over 3,000 in the demo gardens.

Mary Carey passed around sign-up sheet for facilitators for Master Garden meetings.   Mary Cary volunteered to lead a committee for reviewing the Master Garden by-laws.  She will be assisted by Joe Walker and Laura Steimel.


Good of the Order:

Donna Lindsey said there are plastic pots and trays free to take outside the door.

Joe Walker suggested that garden members send the Dig-In flyer to their friends.

Del Moeller  will host a class on tree pruning (cherry tree).

Waneta Parmenter reminded us to enter our master garden volunteer hours  and keep them up to date.

Val Mertz:   On March 24th there will be a tree seedling potting at The Botanical Garden from 8 till noon for Forest Releaf.

Award pins for volunteer hours were presented by Waneta Parmenter and Craig Morton.   She also provided certificates/recognition to the new Master Gardener members.


Del Moeller moved to adjourn the meeting.  Mary Carey seconded the motion.


President                                Laura Steimel

Vice - President                     Jackie Johnson

Treasurer                                Rebecca Poon

Secretary                                Sandra Newsom 

Demonstration Garden      Cindy Platzer

Education                               Patti Kolek

Hortline                                  Patti Kolek

Plant Sale Coordinator       Donna Lindsey

Membership                          Kevin Lynch

Weekly Newsletter              Melanie Elick

                                                  Jeannie Ferguson

Web master                           Mary Carey​​

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