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12 January 2018
Steering Committee Meeting


1. Al Winkeler called to order the regular meeting of the Master Gardeners Steering Committee.

2. Attendance: Al Winkeler, Joe Walker, Laura Steimel, Craig Morton, Mary Carey, Emily Barbee, Kevin Minard and David Prince.


3. New officers were identified for the 2018 Steering Committee:
President: Craig Morton
Vice President: Kevin Minard
Treasurer: Joe Walker
Secretary: David Prince

4. Al was succeeded by the new president -Craig Morton.

5. Secretary’s Report:
All members having read the December 8 Steering Committee,
Joe Walker moved to approve the minutes as written,
Craig Morton seconded the motion.
Minutes approved as written.

6. Joe Walker presented Treasurer’s report and went over in detail to explain how he came up with the projections for 2018 based on last 5- year averages with some modifications.

Laura Steimel motioned to approve the Demonstration Garden budget as presented, Kevin Minard seconded the motion and it was approved without change.

The budget will be reviewed after the plant sale for changes based on the net income from the plant sale.

7. Emily Barbee showed the 2- minute clip, run on local St Peters TV station, of Rich Hoormann’s interview about the Master Gardeners Program. The link will be in the Mondays Newsletter published by Mary Carey. Joe Walker suggested that the steering committee send a thank you letter to the video producer. Craig Morton will address.

8. Plant Sale advertisement was discussed: Adds will be limited to just prior to the Plant Sale.

9. Emily Barbee said the large oak tree near the road was taken down on 28 December. Some of the wood is still there and can be taken by anyone interested. Joe Walker suggested that in the past we have cut cookies from trees to use as part of the landscaping.

10. Emily Barbee:
A. Mary Lou in the office will retire about 15 March. They are looking for a replacement. The position is full time (32 hours) , and has no medical benefits.
B. Dardenne Creek/bank and gully erosion prevention is being addressed by the Extension Council and City of St Peters and may be done this year.
C. Filling Rich Hoormann’s position has been put on hold. MU Campus Office is going to interview and review all 114 Counties for County Extension office requirements. Debi Kelly, Horticulturists in Jefferson County, is available to help until a new Horticultural Specialist is hired.
D. The new Master Gardener’s class of 2018 has 18 signed up (16 paid).

E. The ballot for election of University of Missouri Extension Council of St. Charles County was handed out. Voters in St Charles County are eligible to vote.

11. Mary Carey publishes the newsletter on Mondays. Inputs to be included by her must be received by High- Noon on Sunday. She publishes at 5 AM on Mondays.

12. Discussions: Seed planting sessions, Activity in greenhouse, checking propane tank usage for greenhouse. Recently it was filled and it should read 80% beings no heaters are on now. The O’Fallon, Illinois MG club has asked for a speaker.

13. HORT Line is being done from home now, low interest presently.

14. It was suggested that the By-Laws be reviewed this year for updating and compliance with University policy. Mary Carey volunteered to head-up a committee for recommended updates.

15. Craig reviewed list of members that do not have hours required to stay on Active List. Each one was discussed, decisions made as to active/nonactive status.
Emeritus requirements reviewed: For a year to count you must have performed the required volunteer and Edu hours within that year before that year counts. Motion for approval of the decisions on Active members was made by Joe Walker and seconded by Laura Steimel, and approved by the committee.

16. A suggestion was made that we review the practice of awarding trees as 1,000 hour awards verses some other recognition. Flooding, drought, spraying, trimming maintenance have all been problems recently. Discussion was tabled until a future meeting

17. Alternate meeting sites for 2018 may include Boone Park, Lions Club Park, Kister-Pitman Park. Triple Shrimp Farm was mentioned as a possible site.


18. Joe Walker is planning one or two Power Point training classes depending on number of sign ups. Date and time to be determined.

19. Mary Carey reminded the steering committee that they would be the facilitators for the first session of the new Master Gardener class in January.

20. The new poly installed on the green house had a tear and someone was to follow up on it on compensation.

21. Motion to adjourn meeting was made by Joe Walker and seconded by Craig Morton at 11:30 AM.


President                                Laura Steimel

Vice - President                     Jackie Johnson

Treasurer                                Rebecca Poon

Secretary                                Sandra Newsom 

Demonstration Garden      Cindy Platzer

Education                               Patti Kolek

Hortline                                  Patti Kolek

Plant Sale Coordinator       Donna Lindsey

Membership                          Kevin Lynch

Weekly Newsletter              Melanie Elick

                                                  Jeannie Ferguson

Web master                           Mary Carey​​

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