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8  2018 June

Master Gardener Steering Committee Meeting


Attendees:   Craig Morton, David Prince, Kevin Minard, Laura Steimel,  Victoria Gally


Visitors:   Mary Medina, Jill Zupec


Call to order:            Craig Morton called the meeting to order.


Secretary’s report: David Prince called attention to the published 11 May 2018  secretary’s report and asked for review and approval.   Victoria Gally made a motion for approval of the minutes.  Craig Morton seconded the motion.   Minutes were approved.



Treasurer’s report:   Total amount in bank was noted.  A replacement of the canopy, damaged  at the plant sale cost $126.


Victoria Gally:   Demo garden budgets are to be revisited by garden leads and budget resubmitted.

  Two beds are in bad need of repair.   Removal of bricks and reinstallation needs to be done.

    There are 4 lead people who care for 7 garden beds.

    A demo garden tour is planned as part of the class on herbs at the Master Gardener August meeting.


Cindy Platzer:   is washing all reusable pots.   Do not return pots to the inside of the green house without washing them.


Mary Carey will publish a special letter announcing the June master gardener meeting to be held at the First Missouri State Capital State Historic Site,   Tour will begin at 5 PM.   Ken Waterman (master gardener) has set up the tour.


Mary Carey needs inputs on events/photos for news letter.    Photos in high resolution cannot be used.


Delbert Moeller requests 26 yellow wheel barrow loads of the leaf compost mulch for use in compost bins.


Emily Barbee:  The room for the 2019 training class has been reserved for 15 weeks beginning 17 Feb.


Mary Medina:   Calendar of events:   More than one calendar of events is in existence.  A discussions was started on how to better publish a calendar that allows all interested to view and know what is going on.   A two month calendar will be referenced in the news letters.  

Jill Zupec:   will help review options for improving the calendar format, input options and publishing methods.


Delbert Moeller has led the effort for irrigation of some demo gardens by drip lines with emitters, and has well documented it. 


Request for speakers from outside concerns:   They are to be advised of a $50 fee to be paid to the St Charles County Extension Center.    A mileage  charge is to be paid to the speaker when the distance is beyond a certain mileage (mileage to be determined).

Victoria Gally  is working lesson plan outlines for speakers.


Joe Walker will present the updated bylaws at the next meeting for approval.   By-Law revision review has received no comments.


Craig Morton:  The Historic Daniel Boone St Charles County Park signed up 12 volunteers at the meeting and it was followed up by more sign ups for a total of 40 volunteers.   Not all volunteers are Master Gardeners.


Waneta Parmenter has requested guidance on how to advise gardeners to report their hours.  Review of the MO Master Gardener’s volunteer hour requirement guidelines will be done. 

Mary Medina:   Dig In for 2019 will be 23 Feb.   It was agreed to start the Master Garden training class  after the dig-in to allow for more potential trainee sign ups.


Laura Stiemel will give a tour to the Gasconade Master Gardener members from 10 to 12 am  on June 9th.

Mark Krebs has  re-anchored the hand rail at the entrance to the meeting room.  It was reported to be an excellent  job.  

 The St Charles County Extension Office says Thank You!


Motion to adjourn was made by Laura Stiemel and 2nd by Mary Medina.


President                                Laura Steimel

Vice - President                     Jackie Johnson

Treasurer                                Rebecca Poon

Secretary                                Sandra Newsom 

Demonstration Garden      Cindy Platzer

Education                               Patti Kolek

Hortline                                  Patti Kolek

Plant Sale Coordinator       Donna Lindsey

Membership                          Kevin Lynch

Weekly Newsletter              Melanie Elick

                                                  Jeannie Ferguson

Web master                           Mary Carey​​

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