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St Charles County Master Gardener Meeting Minutes

 28 March 2019


Call to Order:  President Kevin Minard called the Master Gardener’s meeting to order at 6:30 PM.

Attendance: 49


Secretary’s Report:  The Secretary’s report for 28 February was approved.


Treasurer’s Report:   The financial report for February showed an expenditure.   The report was approved.


Membership:  Waneta Parmenter awarded pins for hours of service and gave a reminder to enter your volunteer hours.


Kevin showed an engraved brick and talked about allotting them for 1,000 hour awards and having them installed in front of the greenhouse.


Speaker’s Bureau:  Val Mertz:   The topic for the April Master Gardener meeting will be Daylilies.


Education:  Mary Medina reminded people that the quiz counts as ½ hour.


There will be a meeting at 7 PM on April 3rd to see if there is enough interest in forming a St Charles Chapter of the Wild Ones Organization on native plants. See Monday’s newsletter for more information.


Lake Saint Louis Market:   There will be 4 days of participation this year: 

13 April will be planting seeds with children and the importance of soil testing,

1 June will be pollinators,

3 August will be water wise, and

5 October preparing garden for winter.


Robin Pilla asked if there was someone who could give her advice on landscaping at her school.


Hortline:  Patti Kolek gave a training class on Monday with 9 people attending (6 new members).


Demo Gardens:   Cindy Platzer:

    Normal work sessions are 9AM on Wednesdays and Saturdays.

    Leave containers turned over to prevent mosquitos.

    Wash tools prior to putting them back.

    Only authorized and trained people may apply chemicals in the demo gardens


Guest Speaker:   Bob Deardeuff spoke about “The Horticulture Behind the Lawn Sprinkler System.


Greenhouse:   Amy Templer spoke about watering and the added fire extinguisher inside the southeast door of the greenhouse.


Plant Sale:  Marsha Brown:   Plant sale is 27 April, set up at 9AM on 26 April and pre-plant sale is 4 PM on the 26th.   Lock up is at 7PM on the 26th.

Remaining space in greenhouse is needed for tomatoes.  If you have extra plants, call Marsha Brown or Laura Stiemel prior to bringing them to ensure they are wanted.  Donations of plants can be brought April 3, 6, 10, 13th.  Bring plants bare rooted.

Donna Lindsey reminded plant waterers to include the hoop house when watering, windows are to be opened in AM and closed after the evening watering.


New Business:  Mary Medina talked about new embroidered logos for caps and shirts.   They were modeled by Joe and Yvonne Solt.   Bring your own cap/shirt and turn it in at the office.  Fill out a form and pay in cash.


Extension Council Dinner is 12 April and volunteers to create six table center pieces are needed.

State MG Conference is in Columbia on the 4th and 5th of June.

 A discussion was held about having an advanced training course on pollinators. It would be for 18 hours credit and given on 6 nights to be held every other week.  The opinion was that it should be done during the winter in lieu of summer.  See Monday’s newsletter.

A motion was made to adjourn the meeting and meeting was adjourned.


Respectively Submitted,                                         

David Prince


President                                Laura Steimel

Vice - President                     Jackie Johnson

Treasurer                                Rebecca Poon

Secretary                                Sandra Newsom 

Demonstration Garden      Cindy Platzer

Education                               Patti Kolek

Hortline                                  Patti Kolek

Plant Sale Coordinator       Donna Lindsey

Membership                          Kevin Lynch

Weekly Newsletter              Melanie Elick

                                                  Jeannie Ferguson

Web master                           Mary Carey​​

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