St Charles County Master Gardeners
Click on address for map.
9 March, 2018
MG Steering Committee Meeting
Attendees: Craig Morton, Victoria Gally, Joe Walker, David Prince, Kevin Minard
Visitors: Mary Medina, Emily Barbee, Marsha Brown, Patti Kolek
Call to order: Craig Morton called the meeting to order.
Secretary’s report: David Prince called attention to the published
9 February 2018 Rev C, secretary’s report and asked for review or approval.
Victoria Gally made a motion for approval, as written, of the minutes. Joe Walker seconded the motion. Minutes were approved.
Treasurer’s report: Joe Walker advised of the cash on hand which include the Dig In profits. No additional spending is advised for the garden leads.
Founders Day in O’Fallon: A motion was made by Joe Walker and seconded by Kevin Minard to approve spending up to $25 for an application for a booth to sell plants the weekend after the plant sale at the Founders Day in O’Fallon.
MG Active Member ship: Barbara Orr has requested information on what she would need to do to become a master gardener. She completed the training classes but only put in a total of 28 ½ hours the 1st two years.
She needs 1 ½ hours more to complete the Intern training.
She must complete 20 hours as a volunteer (5 of which are in the demo gardens) plus 6 additional hours in education in 2018 to become a certified master gardener.
On-Line Master Gardener Program: An invitation will be extended to the one trainee, in our local area, who is participating in this progam, inviting them to our master gardener meetings. Craig Morton/Mary Carey will contact them.
By-Laws: Mary Carey and Joe Walker will review the by-laws. Changes to allow possible change in badge color for emeritus members, substituting 5 hort line hours for demo garden hours, etc.
Master Gardeners Meeting time for May at the Historic Daniel Boon Park; will be 5:00.
Marsha Brown will be conducting a tree pruning class on 13 February.
Motion to adjourn the Steering Committee Meeting was made by Joe Walker and seconded by Laura Steimel.
Motion 1
A motion was made and seconded that: Future recognition of 1,000 hours of volunteer service to the St Charles County Master Gardeners will be recognized by the purchase of a commemorative brick from the Extension Council bearing the awardees name and hours of service. Awards to be recognized and made in 1,000 hour increments. Bricks to be placed in an appropriate location within the demonstration gardens as determined by the steering committee.
Motion 2.
A motion was made and seconded that: The steering committee recommends to the By-Laws Review Committee that the by-laws be amended to allow the inclusion of Hort line service to meet the annual 5 hour demonstration garden requirement.
Motion 3.
A motion was made and seconded, and modified as follows: Whereas Barbara Orr has requested consideration for qualification as an active Master Gardener, the steering committee agrees that Barbara Orr must first complete the remaining 1.5 hours of the
30 hour trainee certification requirement and then complete the annual requirement to obtain active status at which time she will be placed in good standing for 2018. Both requirements to be completed in calendar year 2018.