St Charles County Master Gardeners
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Master Gardener Meeting, 25 Oct 2018
Call to Order: Kevin Minard called the Master Gardener’s meeting to order at 6:30 PM.
Speakers for the meeting were Bonnie Winkeler and Marsha Brown on Honeysuckle control.
An outstanding presentation was given on it’s identification, history and how to control it.
Attendance: 34 Master Gardeners were present.
Secretary’s Report:
The Secretary’s report for 27 Sept has been on line and copies were available at the meeting. Mary Carey requested a change to show she was a member of a committee which selected an applicant to be interview.
Mary Carey made a motion to approve the minutes with change. Joe Walker seconded the motion. Secretary’s Report was approved with change.
Treasurer’s Report: Joe Walker provided an overview of the financial situation:
Net monthly change in September,
end of Sept cash-in-bank,
plant sale 2019 allocation,
various gardens remaining allocation,
education/dig-In allocation,
greenhouse capital allocation and
unallocated funds
Treasurer’s Report was approved
Val Mertz: Speakers for Januay meeting may be on how to use power tools in the demonstration garden.
Education: Joe Walker isteaching Power Point classes. Class attendees have been very pleased to have taken the class. Joe requested submission of photos of gardening to put together a power point presentation for the Christmas party.
Ciindy Platzer is replacing Laura Steimel as Garden Lead. She has requested sign up for a committee to help integrate the new master gardener class interns into the demonstration gardening in 2019.
Laura Steimel: we need new garden leads in the day lilies and natives gardens. She also had bulbs from surprise lilies to give away.
Kevin Minard: raised bed #9 has been rebuilt, garlic will be planted in it on Wed at 9 am. Three raised beds are still in need of rebuilding. Volunteers are needed. Soft neck garlic bulbs were available for $1 a bulb. They were all sold at the end of the evening. He brought an oil seed radish for viewing, it must have been 20 plus inches long and about 2 inch diameter.
Patti Kolek: Hort line has been busy last week.
Marsha Brown: The greenhouse will be cleaned Sat Nov 3rd. Work will start at 9 am.
David Wilson’s tool sharpening class will start at 10 am on Saturday.
There are extra grow lights for volunteers to help raise seedlings for the plant sale at home. We need more growers to raise plants at home.
Membership: Waneta Parmenter was not present.
Mary Medina: talked about the Mo state MG conference. Three different awards are done each year for master garden chapter awards. She prepared an entry write up and the St Charles County Master Garden chapter won the “2017 Master Gardener Chapter of the year” award.
Next year the conference will be held at the university of Missouri Columbia, MO.
Craig Morton: Steering committee election to replace two members. Joe Walker and David Wilson’s names were the only ones that were up for approval. They were both approved. The new steering committee will be Kevin Minard, Joe Walker, David Wilson and David Prince. Election is for a two year term.
Garden Leads for 2019 are Victoria Gally and Cindy Platzer.
Paul Hendricks award: nominations for award are open through 31 Oct.
Paul Hendricks is advising on the construction of the hoop house new ends and needs volunteers about 10 am on Wednesdays.
Donna Lindsey: recommended catering the holiday party. Subject will be deferred to the steering committee meeting.
Mary Carey: progress on Dardeen Creek bank improvement. No action has been taken, some bank owners have an archeological problem. Lack of funds is also an issue.
Good of The Order: Joe Walker, requested photos of gardening events, for a power point presentation at the holiday party.
Tom Nagel: looking for volunteers for landscaping on veterans building in St Charles, It is an old waterworks building on about 1 ½ acres and has need of removing honeysuckle and landscaping.
Mary Carey made the motion to adjourn meeting and David Wilson seconded it.