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Master Gardener Meeting,

27 Sept 2018, Rev. A


Call to Order:   Kevin Minard called the Master Gardener’s meeting to order at 6 PM.

The theme of the meeting was “Taste of the Garden”

Tours were given of the demonstration gardens.   Garden leads were on hand to explain the gardens.


Attendance:  41 Master Gardeners were present.


Secretary’s Report:   The secretaries report has been on line and copies were available at the meeting.

Larua Stiemel made a motion to approve the minutes.   Joe Walker seconded the motion and the minutes were approved as written.


Treasurer’s Report:   Joe Walker provided an overview of the financial situation:

            Net money change in August,

            End of August Cash-in-bank,

            Plant sale 2019 allocation,

            Various gardens remaining allocation,

            Education/dig-in allocation,

            Greenhouse capital allocation,

            Unallocated funds.

Treasurer’s report was approved.


Val Mertz:   Speakers for Oct meeting will be Marsha Brown and Bonnie Winkeler on honeysuckle.


Education:   Joe Walker is teaching Power Point classes.   Class attendees have been very pleased to have taken the class.   It is a fun class.


Marsha Brown:   Saturday 13 Oct will be a propagation work day.   Updates will be in the weekly newsletter.


Victoria Gally:  Four new garden leads are open. The garden leads open are: Herbs, pergola, native/prairie and day lily.


Laura Steimel:   Over 1,500 pounds of garden produce has been donated to the food pantry this season.


Patti Kolek:  The Hort Line will be open through the 2nd week of Oct.


Cindy Platzer:   There are washed pots in the greenhouse that are extras if someone wants them.   See Cindy before taking any to insure that the kept ones are not being confused with ones for  recycling.


Marsha Brown:   Plant propagation will be done the same morning as  David Wilson’s Tool Sharpening class on Nov 3rd.   Time will be in the news letter.


Kevin Minard:   Notice to do your recording of volunteer hours.


Steering Committee is looking for a new member.  


Paul Hendricks Award:   Nominations for the award are needed.    When recommending, include a paragraph describing them.


Donna Lindsey:  Help will be needed constructing the new ends at the Hoop House now that the addition to the budget has been approved.


Kevin Minard:   Horticulture Specialist:

 Mary Carey  (part of a committee), has reviewed applicants and has helped to select one for interviewing.    The Horticulture Specialist will be shared with St Louis Country.

Certification of Master Garden completion awards were available.


Del Moeller:    Two raised beds are still on the list of needing new timber replacement.

Good Of The Order:  No Master Garden meeting in the month of November.


Joe Walker:   You can still sign up for Power Point class.


Del Moeller asked about adding a class on Excell spread sheets.


Cindy Platzer made a motion to adjourn the meeting.   Laura Steimel seconded it and meeting was adjourned.


President                                Laura Steimel

Vice - President                     Jackie Johnson

Treasurer                                Rebecca Poon

Secretary                                Sandra Newsom 

Demonstration Garden      Cindy Platzer

Education                               Patti Kolek

Hortline                                  Patti Kolek

Plant Sale Coordinator       Donna Lindsey

Membership                          Kevin Lynch

Weekly Newsletter              Melanie Elick

                                                  Jeannie Ferguson

Web master                           Mary Carey​​

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