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14 September  2018

Master Gardener Steering Committee Meeting

Attendees:   Craig Morton,  David Prince, Kevin Minard, Laura Steimel,  Victoria Gally, Joe Walker, Emily Barbee

Call to order:  Craig Morton called the meeting to order.


Secretary’s report:      Craig called attention to the published 10 August 2018  secretary’s report and asked for review and approval.   Victoria Gally made a motion to approve the minutes.  Craig seconded the motion. 


Joe Walker Treasurer’s report:  Bills paid in the last 30 days were (see treasurer for amount). transferred from the Education Dig-In to the account.  Unallocated funds is about (see treasurer for amount).

Treasurer’s report was approved.


Emily Barbee reported progress in obtaining a Horticultural Specialist.

The new specialist will be shared with St Louis County.

There are a large number of applicants


 Mary Carey is reviewing the applications to reduce the list to 2 or 4 persons to be interviewed.

 Joe Walker asked how involved the new specialist would be in the Level 1 Training Class we are planning.

Emily Barbee:  At this point in time it is too soon to know.   We know that he will be very busy working with St Louis Co and St Charles County programs.


Victoria Gally:   Victoria is the chair person to come up with a recommendation for the St Charles County Citizen of the Year award.

Recommendations must be submitted by 19 Oct.  Awards are in Civic,  Culture and Humanitarian areas.

New Business:


Level 1 Training Course:

 Speakers are still needed,

 Preparation and content of course lesson plans are dependent upon instructor,

 No Saturday classes are to be added,

Classrooms reserved for Saturday classes are to be released.


Starting time for the September Master Garden Meeting.

Laura Steimel made a motion for the starting time to be 5:45 PM with demonstration garden tours starting at 6 PM.

Joe Walker seconded the motion and it was approved.

Garden Tours are to be split into groups of about 9 persons.

Theme of Sept Master Garden Meeting is “Taste of The Garden Harvest”

The regular  Master Garden Meeting will follow the tours.

A video of the gardens is being made to show indoors in case of rain.


Craig Morton:

Bricks for recognition for Master Gardeners who have put in 1,000 volunteer hours or more:

Ordering bricks needs to be for a minimum of 4 at a time.   We have one or more members who have achieved 1,000 hours at this time. 

 Agreement was made to wait until January for recognition of 1,000 hour awards.


New keys for access to the building was discussed.  There are 6 or 7 keys distributed now.   No need for additional keys was identified at this meeting.


Donna Lindsey has requested $600 to be used for new ends and doors to the hoop house (to be done this year).   This is in addition to money already allocated for the hoop house.

Craig Morton made a motion to approve the additional $600 for the hoop house.

Motion was approved.


Emmaus House had not responded to request for additional information so it is tabled for now.


Joe Walker   By-Laws update.    An update will show no meeting for November due to Thanksgiving.


Joe Walker held the first Power Point Class on 13 Sept and it went very well.

Size of power point class is being held to 4 in order to use the St Charles County Extension Office facility’s 4 computers.   No personal computers are being used due to different versions of Power Point.

Power Point presentation material, especially drawings and photos,  should be watched for possible copyright  infringement when utilizing material from the university or other resources.


Victoria Gally requested a definition of what the garden lead responsibility is.

Do garden leads need to be present at the garden on every Wed and Sat work day?

This is a very large commitment.

Craig Morton read a list of Garden Lead responsibilities.   

 A requirement for them to be at all work sessions does not exist.


A motion for adjournment was made and approved.


President                                Laura Steimel

Vice - President                     Jackie Johnson

Treasurer                                Rebecca Poon

Secretary                                Sandra Newsom 

Demonstration Garden      Cindy Platzer

Education                               Patti Kolek

Hortline                                  Patti Kolek

Plant Sale Coordinator       Donna Lindsey

Membership                          Kevin Lynch

Weekly Newsletter              Melanie Elick

                                                  Jeannie Ferguson

Web master                           Mary Carey​​

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