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                                    St Charles County Master Gardener Meeting Minutes

 25 April 2019

Call to Order:  President Kevin Minard called the Master Gardener’s meeting to order at 6:30 PM.


Attendance: 57


Secretary’s Report:  The Secretary’s report for 28 March was approved.


Treasurer’s Report:   The financial report for end of March showed an expenditure of $1,287.47.


Joe Walker talked about the Boys and Girls Club’s Summer BLAST program.  Volunteers are requested to help.   It is June 3 through August 9th.  A preliminary meeting is set for May 1st at 2 PM at the Extension Center for all who are interested.


Membership:  Waneta Parmenter awarded pins for hours of service and gave a reminder to enter your volunteer hours.


Kevin  requested a few individuals to select a good location and help install  service award bricks.  Suggestions were made of the flag pole and on the walkway to the greenhouse.   It will be studied.  More suggestions were requested.


Speaker’s Bureau:  The topic for the April Master Gardener meeting was Daylilies.  Kathy Krattli, backyard pollen dabber, made a presentation on daylilies and how she creates new varieties.  She talked about what are the requirements to register new varieties.   Her talk was well received and greatly appreciated.


Education:   Del Moeller suggested that garden leads keep a diary of what they are doing such as when plants are planted and harvested, fertilization, etc.


Demo Gardens:  Cindy Platzer announced two new garden leads.  Jeanine Legg is taking over the Cottage Garden.   Craig Varone and Leslie Mitchell Jackson are taking over the Square Foot garden.

A request for approval of the new garden called the Monarch Way Station was made and approved.   It is located between the amendments holding areas and the greenhouse. Judy Moran has been tending it and will be the Garden Lead.

Cindy reminded people that work days are 9 till noon Wednesdays and Saturdays.


Hort Line:   Patti Kolek talked about how hort line activity has picked up. She hopes to have someone on the hort line for a part of every day.  She asked for volunteers to help at the at Lake Saint Louis Farmer’s Market and the City of St Charles Farmer’s Market.


Marsha Brown briefed us on the Plant Sale preparation work day on Friday and plant sale on Saturday the 27th.  A plant sale meeting was held at 6 PM prior to this meeting.


Kevin announced the new Monarch Way-station Demonstration Garden.  Judy Moran is the garden lead.


Kevin attended the Governor’s wife’s tea called Missouri “Roots and Blossoms” Afternoon Tea.  He will have pictures later.


Kevin thanked the meeting facilitators.  They were Pat Crossen, Cathy Linder and Waneta Parmenter.

Meeting adjourned at 7:55 PM.


Respectively submitted,                                          David Prince


President                                Laura Steimel

Vice - President                     Jackie Johnson

Treasurer                                Rebecca Poon

Secretary                                Sandra Newsom 

Demonstration Garden      Cindy Platzer

Education                               Patti Kolek

Hortline                                  Patti Kolek

Plant Sale Coordinator       Donna Lindsey

Membership                          Kevin Lynch

Weekly Newsletter              Melanie Elick

                                                  Jeannie Ferguson

Web master                           Mary Carey​​

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