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Master Gardener Meeting, 24 January, 2019 (Amended on 31 January)


Call to Order:  Craig Morton called the Master Gardener’s meeting to order at 6:30 PM.


Recognition of the 2019 Steering Committee officers was as follows:

President:  Kevin Minard

Vice President:  David Wilson

Treasurer:  Joe Walker

Secretary:  David Prince


Attendance: 85


Secretary’s Report:

The Secretary’s report for 25 Oct 2018 has been on line and copies were available at the meeting.


Donna Lindsey said that she did not recommend catering for the holiday party at the October meeting.  She only brought it up for discussion.

Secretary’s report for 25 Oct is approved with notation above.


Horticulturalist Justin Keay was unable to attend the meeting.


Speakers Bureau:  Val Mertz asked for ideas, recommendations for speakers and topics for the 2019 Master Garden Meetings.  Help with setting up speakers, technical support, and thank you(s) to them would be appreciated.


February meeting topic will be on history of agriculture in Missouri, and St Charles County Farm Bureau.


Other subjects for MG meetings are:  Day lillies, blue birds and humming birds.   Three meetings are planned to be off site.


Treasurer’s Report:   Joe Walker provided an overview of the financial situation:

            Net monthly dollar change in December,

            End of December cash-in-bank,

            Projected allocation Breakdown for 2019,

            Additional net revenue needed to meet 2019 current allocations.

            2018 Plant sale revenue

            Projected unallocated dollars after plant sale.


Mary Medina:  Spoke about the upcoming Dig-In.   The theme is edible land scape, including trees, shrubs and gardening.  Members were asked to help advertise for the dig-in.


Demo Gardens: Cindy Platzer spoke about our 25 demo gardens.  Garden leads were recognized. A garden lead is still needed for the iris bed.

 Native Garden:  Leslie Limberg is the native garden lead and spoke of her three year plan.  Black plastic will be used to kill off lespedeza.  Plants will be added including those for erosion control.  Signage will be added.


Hortline:   Patti Kolek, (not present) reported 425 contacts and 571 volunteer hours in 2018.

Greenhouse:  Amanda Templer:  passed around sign up sheets for the watering schedule plan.  She will open the greenhouse on 16 February.


Plant Sale:  Marsha Brown, 27 April is the major plant sale.  16 March is the cool season plant sale.  Seeding in the greenhouse will be from noon till 6 PM on 6 and 20 February.


Membership:  Waneta Parmenter reported the total volunteer hours in 2018 was 10,818.  Service awards were presented for 2018 and left over 2017.


Mary Medina:  State Master Garden Conference:  A mini conference will be held at the University of Missouri about the first week end of June.


Good of the order:  Thank you for bringing food for the master gardener meeting.

Joe Walker:  The Boys and Girls Club will be asking for help this summer.

Remember to record your hours,

Meeting adjourned at 7:45


President                                Laura Steimel

Vice - President                     Jackie Johnson

Treasurer                                Rebecca Poon

Secretary                                Sandra Newsom 

Demonstration Garden      Cindy Platzer

Education                               Patti Kolek

Hortline                                  Patti Kolek

Plant Sale Coordinator       Donna Lindsey

Membership                          Kevin Lynch

Weekly Newsletter              Melanie Elick

                                                  Jeannie Ferguson

Web master                           Mary Carey​​

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