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St. Charles County Master Gardeners Steering Committee Meeting Minutes

Friday May 10, 2019 09:00


Attendees: Kevin Minard, Joe Walker, Victoria Gally, Cindy Platzer, Laura Steimel, Justin Keay, and Patti Kolek


Call to Order: Meeting was called to order by Kevin Minard.


Meeting Minutes from April 12, 2019 were on the table available for review. Change was made to add Leslie Mitchell-Jackson as co-lead to the square foot garden. It was motioned by Joe Walker and seconded to accept minutes with changes. Minutes were approved.


Treasurer’s report: Joe Walker presented report showing funds available in bank and unallocated dollars at this time. Kevin Minard motioned to approved treasury report and seconded by Victoria Gally. Treasury report was approved.


MU Horticulturalist Specialist: Justin Keay requested again a list of chemicals Master Gardeners have in shed.


Kevin Minard said he would get this for him.


Graduation for the New Master Gardener Class was discussed and passing out certificates at last class05-June. Kevin Minard as President was requested to present.


Justin stated there would be 2 upcoming classes at the extension. One on herbs and Justin will be offering one. More information will be available later.

Justin requested assistance to locate and make a list of all Community Gardens in St. Charles County. Will be put in Monday newsletter and requested from members at next monthly meeting.


Membership: Joan Wagner Babs Kehl-Fairchild requested Emeritus status. Reviewing what Waneta Parmenter sent Kevin, she would need to meet hour requirement this year and once she has them would be approved. Kevin was going to recheck on it.


Demonstration Garden: 10:19 Cindy Platzer presented survey questions which were discussed. It was determined to put out at the next MG meeting for people to answer. Cindy requesting that the steering committee tour the Demo Garden. Time to be determined later.

Cindy discussed Leslie Limberg will be having outdoor Native Class at Demo Garden, date to be determined later.


Plant Sale: Persons who have a medical condition requiring parking on site for the Plant Sale will be allowed to do so. Group discussion. Laura Steimel stated plant sale went well and all MG help was greatly appreciated. She advised of plant sale dates for 2020: Cool Weather Plant Sale will be Saturday March 21, 2020 with follow up on March 28, 2020. Big Plant Sale will be April 25, 2020 with follow up on May 2, 2020. Rooms have been reserved.


Speakers. Nothing New. No report.


Hortline: Patti Kolek advised we need volunteers for both St. Charles Farmers market and Hortline. Hortline activity is picking up. She said that Tom Conley may takeover the Continuing Education monthly quiz.


Education: Mary Medina sent Kevin a list of eight items that were going on. St. Charles Farmers Market starts 18-May.

Joe mentioned that the weekly planning meetings for the O'Fallon Boys & Girls Club have started and he is working to start at the St. Charles club.


New Business:

Hours for Master Garden Badge for Jacob Liebel. Group discussion. Victoria Gally motioned we grant MG Active status to Jacob but that he has to maintain his hours for 2019 to get his badge. He will only have 4 hours carry over into 2019. Joe Walker seconded it. Motion passes.

Group discussion concerning inviting any MG to 05-June Trainees meeting to hear how to properly report hours. Kevin will announce this at the monthly meeting.


Del Moeller made a request to steering committee for assistance with pantry Garden (He presented Kevin a handout listing four items “Projects for Pantry Beds and Compost Areas”). Group discussion. Group felt that we do not have the volunteers to support all the planned beds. Steering Committee feels this report needs to go before the Demo Garden Leads- Victoria Gally and Cindy Platzer to be carried-out.


Kevin presented a speaker request from Franklin County Master Gardeners. Group discussion. We are unable to assist the requested dates and Kevin will send forward request to St. Louis MG to see if they can help out.


Waneta Parmenter requesting co-lead to assist with Membership. It was agreed she could seek co-lead and train. She plans to contact Bonnie Winkeler about being a co-lead.


It was noted Master Gardeners State Conference will be help in Columbia, MO June 04 and 05, 2019.


Old Business:

Hour recognition bricks will be put on the path, with the existing recognition bricks around flag pole. Jill Zupec has placed signs for Herb garden. It was handled by Garden Leads.


Good of the order – nothing was brought up. Meeting was adjourned 11:27. Laura Steimel 05/21/2019 AS APPROVED- Master Gardener Steering Committee, 14-JUNE-2019


President                                Laura Steimel

Vice - President                     Jackie Johnson

Treasurer                                Rebecca Poon

Secretary                                Sandra Newsom 

Demonstration Garden      Cindy Platzer

Education                               Patti Kolek

Hortline                                  Patti Kolek

Plant Sale Coordinator       Donna Lindsey

Membership                          Kevin Lynch

Weekly Newsletter              Melanie Elick

                                                  Jeannie Ferguson

Web master                           Mary Carey​​

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