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St Charles County Master Gardener Monthly Meeting Minutes Thursday, 27 August 2020 Call to Order: Kevin Minard called the meeting to order at 5:46 PM Attendance: 48 Speaker: Shelby Miller- “Indian Camp Creek Park” Secretary’s Report: Rebekah Davis- The Secretary’s report for 23 June 2020 was approved. Treasurer’s Report: Joe Walker- The financial report for end of July 2020 was provided. Net monthly change and cash in bank was identified. Unallocated dollars were shown. County Engagement Specialist: Alex Reichert- Creek Restoration Project Update: Kevin reported for Alex that bids have been received by the City of St. Peters. Work is predicted to start late September or early October and to be completed in sixty days. The project will restrict Master Gardener use of the Extension property during that time. The Steering Committee approved the motion to transfer our $5,000 pledged allocation to the Extension for the Creek Project. Kevin reported that the Steering Committee discussed how various group activities or projects were being done on the Extension property without Extension’s knowledge. The Extension Council must be informed of all activities occurring on Extension property, this can be done by notifying Alex Reichert. Alex wanted to stress that this wasn’t to limit Master Gardener projects but to ensure the Extension Council was aware of what was occurring on property from a safety and liability standpoint. Alex and Justin Keay will work on written guidelines for projects and structures that would require Council approval. Steering Committee also discussed presenting an annual plan of goals and projects to the Extension Council. Kevin mentioned that the Extension Council is looking to include other Extension programs more on property. County Horticultural Specialist: Justin Keay- Kevin Minard reported on the recent addition to the St. Charles County Master Gardener Education Hours policy. This new policy states that educationbased texts may be used to satisfy annual Continuing Education hour requirements. Authors of such texts should be PhD-level and/or a faculty member at a University engaged in the field of Horticulture or related subjects. When reporting reading hours, the title and author of the book must be included in the provided comments section of the report form. Justin received a volunteer request for St. Charles and St. Louis MGs from the St. Charles Delta Center. The Delta Center is a nonprofit organization which provides services for individuals with disabilities. The project will be assisting a resident in the Ferguson/Florissant area with installing plant beds and similar activities. Project is scheduled for Friday, 9-October, please contact Justin Keay if interested in helping. Committee ReportsMembership: Waneta Parmenter and Bonnie Winkler- Kevin Minard welcomed new transfers to our chapter: Cassie Gilliam from State of Kentucky and Sydney Turner from Franklin County, MO. Evelyn Franks was presented with new Emeritus Master Gardener status and award. Master Gardeners with a continuous ten years of active service are eligible to become Emeritus. Congratulations Evelyn! Kevin presented new Master Gardeners Clint Christensen, Scott J. Rowe, Michael Siy with their badges. Del Moeller gave a presentation explaining the “Got dirt get soil” hats he and Cindy Platzer presented as gifts for the 2020 MG class. Speakers Bureau: Valerie Mertz- No report, 24 September meeting is looking to be scheduled indoors if possible. Education: Valerie Mertz, Waneta Parmenter, Maureen Wamsley, Anne Schappe- Dig-In 2021: planning is underway, Waneta reported that almost all of the speakers are set. The Dig-in will be virtual and hosted by our Zoom account in February. The theme is “Garden to Plate”. Waneta announced that nominations will be accepted for the Paul Hendricks Award starting September. Demo Gardens: Cindy Platzer- Cindy discussed upcoming activities in the Demo Gardens that will require help: The Daylilies are being divided soon, helpers will be allowed to take some plants home with them. Contact Kevin Lynch for more info. Donna Lindsey mentioned that due to the need for Extension approval and the upcoming Creek Project: plans for a work day to dig up the majority of plants from the Propagation Beds for next year’s plant sale will likely be postponed until next spring. The few beds that need to be dug this year will require a limited number of volunteers. Contact Donna if interested for more information. Kevin mentioned that the Steering Committee discussed partnering with the Master Naturalists in maintaining the Native Garden beds. Cindy wanted to remind the group that we are still not doing our usual work sessions on Wednesdays and Saturdays. Master Gardeners will need to contact the individual garden leads for work schedules. Cindy announced to the group that the Fruit Orchard has been officially renamed the Fruit Arboretum. A big thank you to everyone who helped out in the Pantry Beds this year and grew their own crops to help with the annual food pantry donations! Hort Line: Patti Kolek- HL is still operating on a call in basis. Patti reported the Hort Line received 111 contacts from the month of April through now with 42 contacts occurring in June. The main issues reported were fungal in nature. Greenhouse: Laura Steimel, Nancy Torke- The Greenhouse is looking for additional helpers, contact Laura Steimel for more information. Plant Sale: Marsha Brown- Libby Wilson is now the new Plant Sale Co-Lead with Marsha. Plans for 2021 Plant Sale have begun. There will be no fall sale. Thank you everyone who helped out this year! New Business: Kevin Minard- Kevin announced to the group that another change in hours required for 2020 has occurred: because of the extraordinary circumstances that exist, no active Master Gardener will lose their certification if they are unable to accumulate 20 hours of volunteer service this year. Master Gardeners are still encouraged to donate Volunteer Service hours as they feel able but the state requirement of 20 hours has been suspended for this year. The 6 hour Continuing Education requirement has NOT been suspended this year. Additional time will be given for Master Gardener Interns (Trainees who have completed the course) to fulfill their 30-hour volunteer service requirement to become Master Gardeners. Kevin reported that the Missouri Master Gardener State Conference is cancelled for 2020. Contact Tom Conley with suggestions for topics on the monthly quiz. Cleanup has been requested in the area west of Room C, outside the big machine shed. Contact Kevin Minard if interested in helping. Jan CarronJan announced that the Nominating Committee for the 2021 Steering Committee needs two more people to volunteer. This committee’s purpose will be to nominate Master Gardeners for the upcoming position of Master Gardener Vice President on the Steering Committee. Kevin Minard’s term as President will finish this year and Jan will be taking over starting January 2021. Mary MedinaThe Monarchs at the Meadows event is scheduled 19-September from 8:00 AM to Noon at the Lake Saint Louis Farmers Market. Mary discussed the contents on the flyer. Good of the Order: Joe Walker wanted to remind the group that the Creek Project will correct the erosion issue but not the flooding. The creek will still flood as it has been, the project is for preventing property loss due to the flooding. Tom Nagle mentioned that Alexandra Mckinny is the new Extension Support Staff member replacing Carol Grote. Meeting was adjourned at 7:46 PM Respectfully submitted, Rebekah Davis AS APPROVED 22-OCTOBER-2020 St Charles County Master Gardener Steering Committee Meeting Minutes

Friday, 14 August 2020


Attendees: Kevin Minard, Jan Carron, Rebekah Davis, Joe Walker, Cindy Platzer, Alex Reichert, Justin Keay


Call to Order: Kevin Minard called the meeting to order at 9:04 AM


Secretary’s Report: Rebekah Davis- Steering Committee Meeting Minutes for 31 July were approved as written.


Treasurer’s Report: Joe Walker- Joe reported the net monthly change for July  End of July 2020 cash in bank was identified, amount available to allocate for MG expenses were shown. Cash in bank number includes the pledge for the erosion project. Unallocated dollars are N/A. Remaining Demo Garden allocation are N/A. Total revenue and expense booked in 2020 so far was shown. Joe reported current cash in bank will not cover expected typical expenses for 2021 and this is normal.


St. Charles Extension 501c(3) status and guidelines for collecting sales taxes were discussed.


MU Horticulturalist Specialist: Justin Keay- Justin created a Master Gardener Education Hours policy statement to cover the use of approved reading materials to count towards Continuing Education hours.


MU County Engagement Specialist: Alex Reichert- Alex reported that the Dardenne Creek Project bids have been received by City of St. Peters. Work is predicted to start late September or early October and is to be completed in 60-days. The project will restrict MG use of the property during that time.


The Steering Committee approved the motion to transfer our $5,000 donation allocation to the Extension for the Creek Project.


The Steering Committee discussed how various group activities (projects) were being done on the property without Extension’s knowledge. The Extension Council must be informed of all activities occurring on extension property (this can be done by notifying Alex) to ensure everyone health and safety. Alex wanted to stress that this wasn’t to limit MG projects but to ensure the Council was aware of what was occuring on property from a safety and liability standpoint. Alex and Justin will work on written guidelines for projects and structures that would require Council approval.


The Steering Committee also discussed presenting an annual plan of goals and projects to the Extension Council. The Extension Council is looking to include other Extension programs more on property.


Alex explained the Council is considering making signage for the different groups (Master Gardeners, Master Naturalists, 4-H club, or others) that notes they maintain an area on the property- noting their name, activity details, etc. so that the public sees this.


The Steering Committee discussed partnering with the Master Naturalists in maintaining the Native Garden beds.


Committee Reports

Membership: Waneta Parmenter, Bonnie Winkeler- Trainees and an Emeritus will be awarded badges and certificates at the August monthly meeting.


Demo Gardens: Cindy Platzer- Cindy reports there are no Saturday and Wednesday work sessions, Leads are continuing with the spread out schedule.


Greenhouse: Laura Stiemel, Nancy Torke- No report


Plant Sale: Marsha Brown, Laura Stiemel- 2021 plant sale pre-order with Hummerts started.


Speakers: Val Mertz- 27 August monthly meeting is at Indian Camp Creek Park.


September’s monthly meeting will likely be on Zoom.


Hort Line: Patti Kolek- Hort Line is still working on a Call-In basis.


Education: Maureen Wamsley, Ann Schappe, Waneta Parmenter, Val Mertz- There are currently two classes scheduled 21 & 26 August with the library. The Education Committee is looking into addressing MG social media needs.


Dig-In 2021 virtual- “Grow it, Eat it” No report


Mary Medina reports- The 19 September Monarchs at the Meadows event was discussed.


New Business:

Joe Walker suggested the Master Gardeners should look into getting Demo Gardens certified with the St Louis Audubon Society’s “Bringing Nature Home” Program.


Old Business:

Jan Carron will create a congratulatory press release for the Trainees, Cindy will bring the hats which were provided by Del Moeller at the monthly meeting.


The Extension Council did not have a meeting this month.


Meeting was adjourned at 11:04 AM


Respectfully submitted, Rebekah Davis Comments Alex- 27-Aug-2020 AS APPROVED 14-Sep-2020


President                                Laura Steimel

Vice - President                     Jackie Johnson

Treasurer                                Rebecca Poon

Secretary                                Sandra Newsom 

Demonstration Garden      Cindy Platzer

Education                               Patti Kolek

Hortline                                  Patti Kolek

Plant Sale Coordinator       Donna Lindsey

Membership                          Kevin Lynch

Weekly Newsletter              Melanie Elick

                                                  Jeannie Ferguson

Web master                           Mary Carey​​

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