St Charles County Master Gardeners
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St Charles County Master Gardener
Monthly Meeting Minutes
Thursday, 27 February 2020
Call to Order: Jan Carron called the meeting to order at 7:40 PM
Attendance: 59
Speaker: Elizabeth Boedeker- “Genetic Modification: What is it and why is it used?”
Secretary’s Report: The Secretary’s report for 23 January 2020 was approved.
Treasurer’s Report: The financial report for end of January 2020 was provided. Net monthly change and cash in bank was identified. Unallocated dollars were shown.
County Engagement Specialist: No new information reported on the “Help Save the Gardens” creek bank project. Community Council nominations for Community Builder Awards due 15 March.
MU Horticulturalist: Justin needs two volunteers for the 7 March “MU to You” event at the St Louis Science Center.
Committee Reports-
Membership: Jan Carron presented new Master Gardeners JJ Liebel and Rodney Taylor with their badges.
Speakers Bureau: Valerie reported on upcoming meetings and field trips through the summer. Latest Facilitator sheet was passed around. Valerie announced that Bob Richardson, a local Entomologist who photographs insects in the Demo Gardens each year, won the 18th Annual PCT Best Pest Photo Contest with a picture of a Feather-legged Fly taken in our gardens!
Education: Mary gave an update on the 2020 Dig-In at the St Charles Community College.
Demo Gardens: Cindy gave an update on the library classes. Upcoming tours were discussed, volunteers to guide the tours are needed. Training classes and work sessions start 4 March. The St Louis MGs are bringing their trainees to the Demo Gardens 29 March for a tour and to learn how we operate. A trip to Forest ReLeaf is planned 4 April 9:00-12:00 PM to pot up plants, the event is open to all MGs and guests. There will be an Open House for MGs 16 May.
It was announced Craig Verone will be the new Trees & Shrubs Lead. Volunteers are needed to help with mowing and trimming this year, Kevin Minard is the contact for scheduling.
Hort Line: Hort Line is still on winter call-in schedule.
Greenhouse: The greenhouse officially opened 19 February and is already being filled with transplants. Marsha reported some volunteers are still needed for the water crew. Evening watering will start up after the temperature gets warmer. Amy has purchased a water meter this year to help with watering.
Plant Sale: Cool Season Plant Sale is 21 March, 28 March follow-up sale is unadvertised. Marsha declared next year the Cool Season Sale will be one day only. The next seeding/transplant party is 5 March 12:00-5:00 PM, followed by seeding tomatoes 28 March. Plugs will arrive sometime during the first week of March, help will be needed. Donna mentioned native seedling will be transplanted on weekends in March. The major Spring Plant Sale is 25 April.
New Business: Chuck Baur gave a short presentation regarding his research on aluminum vs brass garden hose fittings and protective treatment of landscape timbers from local stores.
Embroidered shirts and hats- Mary Medina announced that Joe and Yvonne Solt will be offering to embroider the St Charles Master Gardener Logo on offered shirts and provided hats.
Saving paper- Jan told the group that the Secretary and Treasurer’s Reports will need to be reviewed prior to the meetings via email as copies will no longer be preprinted for the meetings. This was agreed upon by the Steering Committee to help control costs and paper usage.
Volunteers are needed to help with a MOPS event with the County Parks System Tuesday, 31 March 10:00 – 12:00 PM at Brommelsiek Park. Contact Craig Morton for more information.
2020 MOMGA State Conference will take place 18-20 September in Jefferson City, MO.
There will possibly be a future tour of The Food Roof Farm located in St. Louis, MO.
Good of the Order: Marsha said plugs will be coming in soon and a short-notice volunteer sign-up sheet was passed around.
Thank you to this month’s facilitator Mary “Mardis Gras” Carey!
Meeting was adjourned at 8:31 PM
Respectfully submitted,
Rebekah Davis