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St Charles County Master Gardener Plant Sale/ Steering Committee Special Meeting Minutes


Monday, 18 May 2020


Attendees:  Kevin Minard, Jan Carron, Rebekah Davis, Justin Keay, Cindy Platzer, Mary Medina


Call to Order:  Justin called the meeting to order at 2:11 PM


The Steering Committee met via Zoom due to the ongoing COVID-19 outbreak. 


Secretary’s Report:  Rebekah Davis-  Steering Committee Meeting Minutes for 17 April, 24 April, and 1 May were approved as written.


MU Horticulturalist Specialist:  Justin Keay-   Justin reported that Core Training has been going well on Zoom, the last class date is scheduled for 10 June.  Justin mentioned that he would be meeting with Jody Squires (our Regional Extension Director) to discuss Master Gardener and Master Naturalist activities/opportunities that could happen offsite of the Extension office property.


Demo Gardens:   Cindy Platzer suggested keeping the Demo Gardens leads only for the time being to allow the leads to focus on their gardens.  The group discussed how other MGs would need to be given other opportunities to volunteer.  The Leads will be scheduling to meet via Zoom in June.


Education Committee:  Waneta Parmenter and Ann Schappe are currently coordinating the Committee’s efforts to form a detailed list of MG speakers and presentations.


New Business:  Kevin reported on the information in the latest MOMGA newsletter.  Yearly volunteer requirements have been reduced from 20 to 12 hours.  The University will now allow local Extensions to determine individual safety guidelines regarding opening back up to the public.


The Steering Committee agreed to have Mary Medina present her PowerPoint on “Growing Vegetables in Containers” at our May monthly Master Gardener meeting.  This meeting will be on Zoom, Rebekah Davis agreed to give Mary a tutorial on how to present via Zoom.  The group also discussed the possibilities of recording classes and presentations for internal distribution in future.  Mary suggested approaching the Education Committee to explore this idea further.


Meeting was adjourned at 3:12 PM


Respectfully submitted,  

                                      Rebekah Davis





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