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St Charles County Master Gardener Monthly Meeting Minutes

Thursday, 28 May 2020


Call to Order: Kevin Minard called the meeting to order at 6:00 PM.

Attendance: 61

Speaker: Mary Medina- “Growing Vegetables in Containers”


Secretary’s Report: Rebekah Davis- Minutes, 27-February-2020


Treasurer’s Report: Joe Walker- Treasurer’s Report, 28-May-2020


MU Horticulturalist: Justin Keay-

Due to the restrictions with working in the Demo Gardens, the Steering Committee plans to address in the near future what volunteer opportunities will look like for Master Gardeners and Trainees/Interns with regards to earning their hours this year. Justin wants to assure the group that opportunities will be provided in a fair manner so that all volunteer requirements can be met. Justin wanted to mention to the group that although the Extension Council approved the current plan of operation on the Extension property, they are also continuing to research the best means for allowing Master Gardeners safe access to the grounds. This included the decision also made by the Steering Committee to prioritize mowing and Pantry bed access first, with only Leads working in the Demo Gardens for the time being.


County Engagement Specialist: Alex Reichert-

Extension Council Board of Directors says the Extension Meeting Rooms will not be available for use through August 31, 2020.


Committee Reports


Membership: Waneta Parmenter and Bonnie Winkeler- No report


Speakers Bureau: Valerie Mertz- No report


Education Committee: TBD- Mary Medina has chosen to step down from leading the education effort. Official lead(s) of the EC has yet to be determined, Justin Keay is helping direct the group in the meantime. The new Education Committee met via Zoom to begin developing online and Zoom training. They hope to transfer their efforts to helping use the Demo Gardens for education and training purposes when restrictions ease.


Demo Gardens: Cindy Platzer - The water stations are hooked up and are now ready to use for the season. If needed, hoses can be found hanging near the tool shed in the courtyard.


Hort Line: Patti Kolek- The Hort Line is still operating out of volunteers’ homes.


Greenhouse: Amanda Templer- The greenhouse is empty and closed down for the season.


Plant Sale: Marsha Brown and Laura Steimel- Thanks everyone who helped and wanted to help with the plant sale!


New Business: Kevin Minard reported that the University Extension meeting rooms will not be available for use through August 31, 2020. Extension office staff are planned to return to work June 1 although the office will remain closed to the public for another week after.

Kevin read the new St Charles Master Gardener Demonstration Gardens Policies and Procedures, which were issued May 4 to the group. Kevin also mentioned that the University is reducing the required volunteer hours to retain MG certification this year from 20 to 12 hours. This number represents a reduction of one hour for each week Extension programming was suspended. The number of continue education hours required to remain active (6 hours) have not been reduced at this time. It is hoped continuing education programming will continue uninterrupted through this summer and fall making it relatively easy to obtain the 6-hour requirement.


Last month Dave Etchet announced he’s planning a Master Gardener program initiative through MOMGA to grow vegetables for local food pantries named “Garden and Give”. This neighbor helping neighbors effort is aimed at feeding those in need in communities across the state. Watch for the development of a website in the near future for more information about the initiative. Until then please plan to grow a little extra and encourage others to do so also.


Old Business: 2020 MOMGA State Conference, Jefferson City September 18-20.


Update on the Creek Bank Stabilization Project: The project was considered non-essential and has been put on hold temporarily. It will commence at a later date.


Good of the Order: Grow something in your garden to help feed others.


Meeting was adjourned at 7:40 PM Respectfully submitted, Rebekah Davis


President                                Laura Steimel

Vice - President                     Jackie Johnson

Treasurer                                Rebecca Poon

Secretary                                Sandra Newsom 

Demonstration Garden      Cindy Platzer

Education                               Patti Kolek

Hortline                                  Patti Kolek

Plant Sale Coordinator       Donna Lindsey

Membership                          Kevin Lynch

Weekly Newsletter              Melanie Elick

                                                  Jeannie Ferguson

Web master                           Mary Carey​​

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