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St Charles County Master Gardener


Plant Sale / Steering Committee Special Meeting Minutes


Friday 27 March 2020


Attendees:  Kevin Minard, Jan Carron, Rebekah Davis, Joe Walker, Justin Keay, Cindy Platzer, Mary Medina, Marsha Brown, Laura Stiemel


Call to Order:  Justin called the meeting to order at 12:33 PM


The Steering Committee met again via Zoom to discuss plans regarding the plant sales due to the ongoing COVID-19 outbreak. 


Plant Sale Options:  Justin reported to the Committee that he had cared for and distributed the plants within the greenhouse that had been designated for specific gardens, only a few trays of cool crops remain.  The rest of the plants have been removed by the Plant Sale Committee.  The greenhouse, along with the rest of the property, has been closed by the Extension Council.  Marsha stated that she just found that there are 20+ growers who are caring for plants and she is working on taking inventory.  Joe reminded the SC that having growers caring for the plants at their homes was how our MGs conducted the plant sale before the greenhouse.  Marsha and Laura were in agreement that trying to arrange a sale through everyone who was holding plants would be too difficult at this time regarding safety and the current travel ban in St Charles County.  The group agreed to postpone the details of the Spring Plant Sale to a later date.


The Steering Committee also discussed what to do about the cold crops.  With the Cool Season Plant Sale officially canceled, it was decided that the remaining cold crops would be donated. 


Greenhouse:  Cindy mentioned that someone needed to check on the greenhouse for damages after the previous night’s hailstorm and going forward.  Justin elected to go check on the greenhouse and will talk with Alex to see if Cindy could be elected as the “Disaster Check” person.


MG Monthly Meetings:  The Steering Committee discussed possible alternatives to the monthly meetings at the Extension Center.  It was decided that MG’s would share photos of their blooms and other gardening information via the newsletter in lieu of meetings.  Kevin recommended putting a limit to how many pictures people can contribute.


Master Gardener Training:  Justin is conducting the level 1 training through Zoom and agreed to open it up to the current Master Gardeners as well.


Good of the Order:  Depending on how long the COVID-19 restrictions last, Justin would like to explore the possibility of offering classes through Zoom in the future.  Justin is also going to discuss with the Extension Council about allowing work in the Pantry Garden to continue as “essential agriculture” the next time they meet.  The next SC meeting will occur as usual via Zoom.


Meeting was adjourned at 2:02 PM


Respectfully submitted,  Rebekah Davis



APPROVED   29-APR-2020


President                                Laura Steimel

Vice - President                     Jackie Johnson

Treasurer                                Rebecca Poon

Secretary                                Sandra Newsom 

Demonstration Garden      Cindy Platzer

Education                               Patti Kolek

Hortline                                  Patti Kolek

Plant Sale Coordinator       Donna Lindsey

Membership                          Kevin Lynch

Weekly Newsletter              Melanie Elick

                                                  Jeannie Ferguson

Web master                           Mary Carey​​

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