St Charles County Master Gardeners
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St Charles County
Master Gardeners
April 10, 2015 Steering Committee Meeting
President Mary Carey called the Steering Committee meeting to order at 9 am
on Friday, April 10, 2015. There were no changes to the agenda for the April 10
meeting and the minutes from the March 13, 2015 Steering Committee
meeting were approved as submitted.
Treasurer’s Report: Account balance is $5826.27. Plant sale costs to date
have been $1550 and demo garden has spent $701.00, which included soil
costs of $625. January spend on awards will be under further review.
Plant sale: we have leads for every area for the day of the sale. We have
plenty of plants to sell, including 22 flats of perennials. Post-sale afteraction
review will include analysis of frequency of fertilizer application. We
have good teams helping in the greenhouse. Perennials left over from plant
sale will be sold at fall sale/ 100th anniversary. Parking, shuttling and
holding areas were discussed.
Demo garden maintenance: Muddy area in front of amendment bins was
discussed (again). Decision was made to spread with wood chips which
Mary Medina will order ( ½ load). Procedure to obtain gasoline for
mowers will be worked out (Mary M. for action). Plumber will be looking
at spigot near pergola.
Speaker Bureau Lead – still vacant.
Extension County Program Director– Linda Rellergert, interim CPD, will
attend future Steering Committee meetings. Discussion included Level 1
Training session set-up, and site topics. No new construction or gardens
will be initiated in the near future
April General Meeting – 6:15 pm start time for sign in and quiz grading;
speaker start at 6:30 pm. We wonder if Patti Kolek would consider
discussion of monthly topics which come to the Hort Line at future MG
Open Discussion:
Lawn chair classes: will consist of garden tours, demonstrations and
current issues (such as fire blight, tomato blossom end rot, Emerald Ash
borer, etc).
Attendees will be invited to submit questions as well.
For publicity: flyers,
MG Monday email, Extension Facebook page, 4-H newsletter.
Proposed timing would be 6 pm to dusk (~8-8:30 pm) in an informal, casual
Topics suggested:
May: spring weeds and how to treat; growing vegetables in containers;
planting for butterflies; color for season long gardens; pest prevention.
June: color in the garden, herbs, perennials for summer blooming; bird
seed garden , identification of trees and bushes.
September: lawn renovation, planting garlic and ??.
Cookbook: will be delayed until after a permanent County Program
Director is named.
100th anniversary meeting is next Tuesday. Mary Carey and Mary Medina
will attend.
Meeting adjourned meeting at 10:15 am.