St Charles County Master Gardeners
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Master Gardeners of Saint Charles County
Steering Committee Meeting Minutes
August 8, 2014
Meeting was called to order at 9:30 a.m. by President Dave Barylski. Present were Dave Barylski, Scott Killpack, Mary Carey, and Joe Walker.
Joe Walker made a motion to approve July Steering Committee minutes. Seconded by Mary Carey. Approved unanimously.
Dave announced that he will ask for volunteers at the August General Membership meeting to form a Nominating Committee to replace two members of the Steering Committee. Dave Barylski and Russ Reed will have fulfilled their two year obligation this year.
Joe Walker gave the treasurer’s report. We had (Contact the treasurer for this amount) at the end of July. Because we may need to spend more money for the spring plant sales and we are not having any moneymaking events this fall the committee is concerned about financial forecast. Joe will ask Kevin Minard to request cash flow update from the garden leads as to what they plan to spend from their remaining budget.
Mary Carey asked that we set aside (Contact the treasurer for this amount) for a Hoop House. Dave reminded Mary that this is the prerogative of the Garden Leads. She will present her ideas to the leads at the next Leads meeting. Scott Killpack will need to approve the site.
The August General Meeting agenda was reviewed. Del Moore, was scheduled to present Cover Crops, will be unable to present. Val Mertz has scheduled Hwie-Yiing Li Johnson to speak on Vermiculture Composting.oop H
Dave has created a new procedure for Web Site Maintenance. This includes the extension MG web site and our own website. Mary made a motion to accept this new procedure, seconded by Joe Walker. Approved unanimous.
Mary will meet with Scott to make sure that all of the procedures are correctly copied from the extension website to our website. They will be then be removed from the extension website. Source documents will always reside on the extension’s Q drive.
Scott informed us of the East Central MOMGA Regional Meeting on Oct 8 in Elsberry, MO. Subject is Learn the benefits of cover crops, why they work and which to use.
Scott said that the extension has a new credit card merchant. This means that we will be able to key in the account number, expiration date and zip code into a laptop for customers at our plant sale. We need to figure out how to give customers a receipt.
Meeting adjourned at 10:40.
Respectfully submitted by Mary Carey.