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Committees (needs updating)

Contact the committee lead to participate on any of the committees listed. If a lead is not listed, contact a steering committee member.


Advanced Training

Lead:  Bonnie Winkeler
Purpose: Certify training as advanced
Meeting frequency: As needed
How does it work: advanced training criteria


Annual Volunteer Award

Lead: Val Mertz
Purpose: Recognize exceptional volunteer efforts
Meeting frequency: As needed
How does it work: annual volunteer award (PDF)


Demonstration Gardens

Lead: Cindy Platzer
Purpose: Give the public ideas and to show plants that do well in St. Charles County; located at MU Extension Center
Meeting frequency: Workdays are scheduled by the overall lead or individual garden leads. Meetings are scheduled as needed.
How does it work: Demonstration Gardens (PDF), Demonstration Gardens lead responsibilities (PDF), YTD Expenses (PDF)


Farmers' Markets

Lead: Patty Kolek
Purpose: Educate public, gain public exposure, advertise MG projects
Meeting frequency: As needed
How does it work: farmers' markets (PDF)


Plant Sale

Lead: Marsha Brown
Purpose: Host a public event to share gardening information and raise funds to develop/maintain the Demonstration Gardens.
Meeting frequency: As needed
How does it work: plant sale and garden tour (PDF)



Lead: Open
Purpose: Determines what we need to do to obtain donations and funding and to develops grants.
Meeting frequency: As needed
How does it work: Part of the extension council foundation organized to meet IRS guidelines as a 501-C3 tax deductible organization. grants, donations, funding (PDF)



Lead: Patti Kolek
Purpose: Provide horticultural information to visitors/callers to the extension center.
Meeting frequency: As needed
How does it work: TBD by lead and Scott Killpack


Internal Communications

Lead: Open
Purpose: Under development.
Meeting frequency: As needed
How does it work: Under development.


Level 1 Training

Lead: Open
Purpose: Review and update course content
Meeting frequency: As needed
How does it work: Meets to review Level 1 training to determine what changes are needed to improve the training and keep it current.


Meeting Education

Lead: Val Mertz
Purpose: Obtain speakers for Master Gardener general meetings
Meeting frequency: As needed
How does it work: scheduling speakers (PDF)



Lead: Waneta Parmenter
Purpose: Provide information on active Master Gardener status to the program coordinator and track volunteer hours.
Meeting frequency: As needed
How does it work: membership (PDF), report hours



Lead: Open
Purpose: Facilitate the entry of the trainees into the Master Gardener program; provide learning opportunities to members
Meeting frequency: As needed
How does it work: mentoring, partnering (PDF)


Public Education

Lead: Open
Purpose: Provide horticultural information to the public
Meeting frequency: As needed
How does it work: public education classes (PDF), MG instructor checklist (PDF)


Speakers Bureau

Lead: Open
Purpose: Provide Master Gardener speakers to various garden clubs and civic organizations.
Meeting frequency: As needed
How does it work: Members volunteer to give presentations to schools, clubs and organizations in the area. speakers' bureau (PDF), speaker summary (PDF)
Fee schedule: speakers' bureau topics and fees



Lead: Joe Walker
Purpose: Sets policy and direction for the Master Gardeners. Approves all expenditures. Presides at general meetings.
Meeting frequency: Monthly or by request of one of the members.
How does it work: Discuss ideas and activities that impact the organization; ask members for input; make decisions.
How to volunteer: Come to the August meeting and ask to be a candidate for election.


Web Site Maintenance

Lead: Mary Carey
Purpose: Keep the Master Gardener website current to reflect all changes to activities and procedures
Meeting frequency: As needed
How does it work: web site maintenance (PDF)


President                                Laura Steimel

Vice - President                     Jackie Johnson

Treasurer                                Rebecca Poon

Secretary                                Sandra Newsom 

Demonstration Garden      Cindy Platzer

Education                               Patti Kolek

Hortline                                  Patti Kolek

Plant Sale Coordinator       Donna Lindsey

Membership                          Kevin Lynch

Weekly Newsletter              Melanie Elick

                                                  Jeannie Ferguson

Web master                           Mary Carey​​

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