St Charles County Master Gardeners
Click on address for map.
Committees (needs updating)
Contact the committee lead to participate on any of the committees listed. If a lead is not listed, contact a steering committee member.
Advanced Training
Lead: Bonnie Winkeler
Purpose: Certify training as advanced
Meeting frequency: As needed
How does it work: advanced training criteria
Annual Volunteer Award
Lead: Val Mertz
Purpose: Recognize exceptional volunteer efforts
Meeting frequency: As needed
How does it work: annual volunteer award (PDF)
Demonstration Gardens
Lead: Cindy Platzer
Purpose: Give the public ideas and to show plants that do well in St. Charles County; located at MU Extension Center
Meeting frequency: Workdays are scheduled by the overall lead or individual garden leads. Meetings are scheduled as needed.
How does it work: Demonstration Gardens (PDF), Demonstration Gardens lead responsibilities (PDF), YTD Expenses (PDF)
Farmers' Markets
Lead: Patty Kolek
Purpose: Educate public, gain public exposure, advertise MG projects
Meeting frequency: As needed
How does it work: farmers' markets (PDF)
Plant Sale
Lead: Marsha Brown
Purpose: Host a public event to share gardening information and raise funds to develop/maintain the Demonstration Gardens.
Meeting frequency: As needed
How does it work: plant sale and garden tour (PDF)
Lead: Open
Purpose: Determines what we need to do to obtain donations and funding and to develops grants.
Meeting frequency: As needed
How does it work: Part of the extension council foundation organized to meet IRS guidelines as a 501-C3 tax deductible organization. grants, donations, funding (PDF)
Lead: Patti Kolek
Purpose: Provide horticultural information to visitors/callers to the extension center.
Meeting frequency: As needed
How does it work: TBD by lead and Scott Killpack
Internal Communications
Lead: Open
Purpose: Under development.
Meeting frequency: As needed
How does it work: Under development.
Level 1 Training
Lead: Open
Purpose: Review and update course content
Meeting frequency: As needed
How does it work: Meets to review Level 1 training to determine what changes are needed to improve the training and keep it current.
Meeting Education
Lead: Val Mertz
Purpose: Obtain speakers for Master Gardener general meetings
Meeting frequency: As needed
How does it work: scheduling speakers (PDF)
Lead: Waneta Parmenter
Purpose: Provide information on active Master Gardener status to the program coordinator and track volunteer hours.
Meeting frequency: As needed
How does it work: membership (PDF), report hours
Lead: Open
Purpose: Facilitate the entry of the trainees into the Master Gardener program; provide learning opportunities to members
Meeting frequency: As needed
How does it work: mentoring, partnering (PDF)
Public Education
Lead: Open
Purpose: Provide horticultural information to the public
Meeting frequency: As needed
How does it work: public education classes (PDF), MG instructor checklist (PDF)
Speakers Bureau
Lead: Open
Purpose: Provide Master Gardener speakers to various garden clubs and civic organizations.
Meeting frequency: As needed
How does it work: Members volunteer to give presentations to schools, clubs and organizations in the area. speakers' bureau (PDF), speaker summary (PDF)
Fee schedule: speakers' bureau topics and fees
Lead: Joe Walker
Purpose: Sets policy and direction for the Master Gardeners. Approves all expenditures. Presides at general meetings.
Meeting frequency: Monthly or by request of one of the members.
How does it work: Discuss ideas and activities that impact the organization; ask members for input; make decisions.
How to volunteer: Come to the August meeting and ask to be a candidate for election.
Web Site Maintenance
Lead: Mary Carey
Purpose: Keep the Master Gardener website current to reflect all changes to activities and procedures
Meeting frequency: As needed
How does it work: web site maintenance (PDF)