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Master Gardeners of Saint Charles County

Steering Committee Meeting Minutes

December 12, 2014


Meeting was called to order at 9:33 a.m. by President Dave Barylski. Present were Dave Barylski, Scott Killpack, Mary Carey, Mary Medina, Joe Walker and Sharon Hedges.


Mary Medina made a motion to approve September Steering Committee minutes. Seconded by Mary Carey. Approved unanimously.

David Barylski thanked the 2014 committee for the work they have done in 2014.


Joe Walker gave the treasurer’s report. Bank account balance at the end of October is (Contact the treasurer for this amount). The cost of the Hoop House was reported as (Contact the treasurer for this amount). Joe Walker asked Mary Medina for an expected cash flow of Plant Sale expenses to plan for next year.


Scott Killpack and Mary Carey will meet on Monday, December 22 to assure all MG policies and procedures have been accurately copied to the MG website from the extension website. When this is accomplished, the policies and procedures will be removed from the extension website.


Scott Killpack reported that security cameras will be installed next year inside and outside of the extension offices and classrooms.


Val Mertz sent e-mails to let us know that membership has a chance to tour the Monsanto site in Chesterfield. It was suggested that we make it the February meeting. The steering committee feels that we would be better served making this a day trip on a Saturday. Val will contact Monsanto and report to the Mary Medina.


Scott Killpack suggested that we can use “The Box” photo storage at the extension as an opportunity for MGs with physical abilities to put in their hours. An announcement will be made at the January membership meeting.


David Barylski asked that $757.00 be allocated for pins and trees honoring hour accomplishments for 2014. Mary Medina made a motion to authorize this amount. Joe Walker seconded. Approved unanimously.


David Barylski brought up a request made by Val Mertz & Jane Timmons that we add ‘honey soap’ to the thanks you gift bag for meeting speakers. This raises the cost of this gift from $15 to $20.  The 2015 steering committee can make the decision at their first meeting of the year.


Paul Hendricks asked that we look at the possibility of attempting to become “A Voice of Caring” participant on KMOX radio. The committee decided that this would not be a good fit for our group.  Scott will follow up with Paul. Mary Carey suggested that we look into having the Plant Sale lead and Scott Killpack be featured on the local NPR show @ 12:00 daily, a week or two before the plant sale to promote the sale and the 100th anniversary of our extension. Charlotte Menscher, publicity, will contact NPR.


A small wooden truck was made by Ken Peine and auctioned off at our Holiday Party. Val Mertz purchased the truck and has donated it the MG organization to be signed on the bottom each year by the then president and passed to the new president. Mary Carey made a motion that we adopt this idea. Mary Medina seconded. Approved unanimously.


Scott Killpack reinforced the rule that all MG interns must be 18 years or older. Scott also announced that he will need a new instructor for the 2015 MG classes to teach vegetables, landscape design and plant propagation.


Mary Medina is on the committee to plan a celebration for our extension’s 100th year anniversary. There will be a one day festival on October 17, 2015 on the extension grounds. She asked that all program areas of the extension have representation on the committee.


 Meeting adjourned at 10:47.


Respectfully submitted by Mary Carey.


President                                Laura Steimel

Vice - President                     Jackie Johnson

Treasurer                                Rebecca Poon

Secretary                                Sandra Newsom 

Demonstration Garden      Cindy Platzer

Education                               Patti Kolek

Hortline                                  Patti Kolek

Plant Sale Coordinator       Donna Lindsey

Membership                          Kevin Lynch

Weekly Newsletter              Melanie Elick

                                                  Jeannie Ferguson

Web master                           Mary Carey

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