St Charles County Master Gardeners
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Master Gardeners of Saint Charles County
Steering Committee Meeting Minutes
February 14, 2014
Meeting was called to order at 9:30 a.m. by President Dave Barylski. Present were Dave Barylski, Russ Reed, Scott Kilpatrick, Mary Carey, Joe Walker and Kevin Minard.
Joe Walker made a motion to approve January Steering Committee minutes. Seconded by Kevin Minard. Approved unanimously.
Long term plans for the garden:
Kevin Minard to request feedback from garden leads for suggestions/wishes/needs for long term projects.
Discussion on proposed new equipment shed.It was suggested that we add approximately 12 more feet to the extension shed on the southwest side of the extension property. More discussion is needed.
Marketing of Master Gardeners:
Dave Barylski suggested he talk with John White, St Charles County Council president, on ways we could use the county resources to make citizens aware of all the educational classes, speakers and activities the Master Gardeners have to offer to the public. Joe Walker pointed out that this is a shotgun approach and can be effective. Joe would like to also pursue a targeted approach once a specific group can be identified.
Kevin Minard is to query the general membership at the February meeting about what the garden needs might be in the long term. Joe Walker will use this information to conduct an internet survey on the identified needs as well as any new needs suggested on the survey.Joe will present the findings at the March Steering committee meeting.The steering committee will provide to Joe their questions to be asked on the survey by January 19, 2014.
Dave Barylski presented information on ‘Constant Contact’. This is an Email marketing tool, driving the audience to a Facebook Page, website, and event registration—wherever we want them to go. This can be used instead of sending an email with lots of text that is repeating what is already displayed on the web page and avoiding duplication or conflicting information. MOMGA is currently using this to send out their information. It is no cost to our organization. Mary Medina had volunteered to assume this effort. The committee decided to use this instead of Dave’s weekly ‘what is happening’ emails for a trial for six months. We will then send a survey to the membership for feedback.
The agenda for the February General Membership meeting was finalized. We need to find speakers for our meetings this year. As of now we have none scheduled. Dave will ask again for someone to take the responsibility for scheduling speakers for this year. At the meeting, Dave will also ask for suggestions for speakers from the membership.
Joe Walker reported financials for January. We currently have (Contact the treasurer for this amount) in our account. This does not include any outstanding bills not yet reported.
Meeting adjourned at 10:45.
Respectfully submitted by Mary Carey.