St Charles County Master Gardeners
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St Charles County Master Gardeners June 25, 2015 Meeting
6:30-7:30 pm – Speaker: Andrew Burchette, Monsanto
The general meeting was called to order at 7:30 pm by President Mary Carey with ~40 gardeners in attendance.
Awards – Mary Carey. Level One Master Gardener Certificates were awarded to Judy Moran and Ed Parmenter.
Meeting Minutes from May Master Gardener meeting were published in the Monday morning e-mail and on St. Charles County Master Gardeners Webpage.
Treasurer’s Report - Joe Walker reported a bank balance of (contact treasurer for amount), compared to the balance at this time last year of (see treasurer for amount). A separate expense class has been set up for the capital expenditure reserve.
Hortline – Patti Kolek reported on questions from consumers. Patti gave a presentation on rabbit pressure in the garden.
Lawn Chair Classes - Mary Medina reported on the second class held June 16. Inclement weather provisions were instituted (it was raining). There were a little over 40 people in attendance to hear talks on
Rose Care, Sharon Givan;
Mrs. Dave Wilson, Medicinal Herbs;
JoAnn Thone and Linda Thompson, Culinary Herbs;
Judy Moran, Monarch Butterfly.
The next Lawn Chair class will be held September 15.
Cool Season plants: Mary Medina report that no fall plant sale will be held; however, Paul Hendricks will start the cool season plants by July 4, ready for delivery to Master Gardeners August 1. Plants will include cauliflower, broccoli, cabbage, leeks, kohlrabi, and possibly storage onions.
Extension Signs: Mary Carey announced that the Extension Council is working to get at least four directional signs on roads leading to the Extension Center.
Heart of Missouri Tour: Mary Medina reported this tour consisted of 11 gardeners, and was conducted on June 20.
Demo Garden: Dave Wilson reported that garlic is out, thus leaving two beds open. By July 1 most of the onions will be out, at which time squash can be planted. We will begin harvesting on Mondays soon with tomatoes, green beans and squash ready for harvest.
Monarch Waystation: Master Gardeners passed a motion to pursue certification as a Monarch Waystation. Under the leadership of Mary Medina as overall Demo Garden Lead, plant counts will be calculated as well as overall area covered for the application.
Extension Center Classes: Mary Carey announced that the Extension Center will offer classes in the Microsoft Office Suite to include Word, PowerPoint and Excel in the upcoming weeks.