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2015 Master Gardener Steering Committee Meeting

January 9, 2015, 9 am

Extension Center Conference Room B


Present: Mary Carey, Sharon Hedges, Mary Medina, Sandy Meyer, Joe Walker. Meeting was called to order by President Mary Carey.



9:00 Review of December 18, 2014 MG Steering Committee Meeting minutes

One correction was made by M. Medina: add Bob Lee to list under "Committees and Chairmanships", "Advanced Training". Motion was made and passed to approve minutes with that correction. Addition has been made and revised copy will be sent to all SC members.


9:15 Review and discussion of 2015 proposed budget (MOMGA & WIX)

SC Treasurer, Joe Walker, reported that the MG organization had a balance of $6,528.48 as of December 31, 2014. For the record, the bank balance at the end of 2014 was pretty close to what it was at the end of 2013. January, 2014 balance was $650; February, 2014 $850; March, 2014 $2100; in April we earned $8,000 from the plant sale. If those numbers are projected to the balance we have now, by the end of April we would have a balance of ~ $11,000 vs $12,000 last year.


Suggestion was made to consider going back to offering classes to the public as a revenue generator. Treasurer will continue to send financial reports on a monthly basis.


SC President would like SC to consider establishing a reserve fund or separate expense class for upcoming anticipated expenses related to greenhouse (poly replacement, heater, etc), and/or other items (such as hoop house) and moving dollars into it on a regular basis so funding is there when it is needed. Scott advised the Steering Committee to speak with Jan Brown to establish a separate expense class named "Capital Reserve" or a similar name and transfer specified funding to it after plant sale and/or on a regular basis. Fifteen hundred dollars was the amount suggested for this reserve expense class (either all at once or over an extended period of time, depending on revenue generated by the plant sale).

Joe Walker or Mary Carey: to instruct Jan Brown after plant sale as noted above.


Demo Garden Budget: Discussion ensued around allocation to demo garden leads vs requested budget by demo garden leads. Last year $10,000 was allocated to demo gardens, but actual expenditures were $5,600. J. Walker suggested we use $5,600 as a starting point for overall demo garden budget for 2015. Joe also explained how to read and interpret budget spreadsheets. M. Medina reminded the group that E. Franks will need $2500 to continue plant propagation, and other requirements in support of the plant sale.



MOMGA Dues: The VP (S. Hedges) moved to authorize payment of these dues for the ~70 active MG and 14 Emeritus for 2015. Mary Carey will handle the MOMGA paperwork and notify Jan Brown to prepare a check.


Website: Mary Cary has not received bill yet for this, but last year it was $149.


9:30 Demo Gardens –

Mary Medina gave a short update. On January 24, following the Dig In Planning meeting, all are invited to stay for Pantry Garden planning.

Bulb Garden, Perennial Garden: Rita Zeitz will be transferring her MG membership to

St. Louis County, so will not co-lead the Perennial Garden with Mary Carey. Mary Carey would like to give leadership of the Bulb Garden another MG. A couple of other MGs were identified as candidates; M. Medina will follow up.


9:40 Advertising & Marketing

Charlotte Mielziner has contacted three television stations with regard to the Extension Center’s 100th anniversary. M. Carey suggested C. Mielziner get in touch with NPR. Trifold brochure was discussed; the Advertizing and Marketing person conceptually would handle this as well as publication in Gateway Gardener, etc. M. Carey will clarify C. Mielziner’s role, and communicate.


Ken Waterman will be handling publicity for the Dig In.


Annual report: discussion was around what this report should include, and who should execute. M. Medina has done in the past; Mary Carey will do this for 2014; Sharon Hedges will do the report for 2015.


S. Killpack reiterated desire to capture numbers of visitors to demo gardens. Suggestion was a visitor’s log…


9:50 am - Etc



  • Should Steering Committee meeting dates be on Constant Contact calendar? Yes. Mary Medina updated the group on Constant Contact responses: 105 sent, 69 opened. Meeting Minutes, budget info and MOMGA information will also be posted on Constant Contact.




    • Public Classes, who & what, Dig Out

Level 1 Training for 2015. First class is March 4, 2015 which will be spent entirely on overview topics; Scott still needs at least one instructor for Plant Propagation; the other need is for Home Fruit Production. Mary Medina volunteered to handle the Plant Propagation class which is scheduled for March 25. Last class is currently scheduled for June 10. M. Medina suggested we think about a "next steps" (or celebration) for the last class; the agenda for the 15 week schedule is full; Scott will consider adding a week. Discussion was around recruiting more participation by the other Master Gardeners, i.e. demo garden leads giving overview of their participation for a short period of time (5-10 minutes)


    • January General Meeting

  • Steering Committee members will host. Committee members will handle set up, beverages, and snacks (appetizers, chips/ dips, cookies, etc).

      • Waneta and Scott will present awards. Scott will discuss volunteer time, continuing education and reporting hours during the February meeting.

      • Mary Medina to do a plant sale presentation, calendar and preorder for plant sale at the January meeting.


The following items were tabled:


    Outline what we are planning for the new year

  • PowerPoint and Presentation training

  • Classes

  • Field trips



President                                Laura Steimel

Vice - President                     Jackie Johnson

Treasurer                                Rebecca Poon

Secretary                                Sandra Newsom 

Demonstration Garden      Cindy Platzer

Education                               Patti Kolek

Hortline                                  Patti Kolek

Plant Sale Coordinator       Donna Lindsey

Membership                          Kevin Lynch

Weekly Newsletter              Melanie Elick

                                                  Jeannie Ferguson

Web master                           Mary Carey

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