St Charles County Master Gardeners
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Master Gardeners of Saint Charles County
General Meeting Minutes
July 24, 2014
Scott Killpack spoke on some of the situations from the Hortline. Fire blight is a big problem this year on Bradford Pears. He also touched on soil samples that have come through his office. In St Charles County 43% of the soil samples are in the pH range of 6 – 7.No lime is needed. 25% of St Charles County pH soil samples were less that 6.0% - they need lime. 45% of those St Charles County needed to add phosphorus and Potassium.
An ice cream social was a hit at the social time. Thanks to Sue Webb and Patti Koleck.
Paul Hendricks was the featured speaker. Paul‘s subject was Knowing and using Compost. Paul informed us that of the three gardens that were tested for pH, all three have a high salt content that is believed to have come from overuse of compost. A committee will be formed to research solutions to this problem. Scott Killpack will be on the committee. A plan to test all beds so that the committee has a baseline to start.
Class completion certificates were presented to 5 interns. Master Gardener certificates were presented to four people.
Meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by President Dave Barylski. 41 people were in attendance.
Education credits earned for the Hortline presentation = 45 minutes. Compost presentation = 1 hour, 30 minutes for completing the quiz with a passing grade.
In Joe Walker’s absence, Dave Barylski gave the treasurer report of checking account containing (Contact the treasurer for this amount) at the end of June.
The October meeting subject of a Potpourri did not receive a favorable enough response to make it viable so Val Mertz will find another speaker for the meeting.
New leads are still needed for the Entrance and the Annual gardens. See Pam Yankey. The square foot gardens have been completed, Thanks to Paul Hendricks and crew for construction and Mary Medina for planting.
Work needed for Saturday includes weeding the daylilies.
The PVC that is laying on the side of the amendment bins will be placed in the trash next Saturday. If anyone wants it they can help themselves.
Mary Carey gave an update on the website. A Facebook page has been created and a link placed on the website.
Dave Barylski gave an update on Marketing. Charlotte Mielziner is the new Marketing/Promotions lead. She is planning a cookbook to sell during the MOMGA tour of our gardens on September 13. Recipe forms were handed out at the meeting. Charlotte needs them returned by the last week in August. The form will also be on the website and the webpage. She requests that the recipes be for foods from the garden.
Fall Into Gardening is cancelled. Most of the participants last year were MGs. Micah Kornblum may put some classes together for MGS.
Instead of a public fall plant sale, we will have fall vegetable plants, crepe myrtles, and the bushes in the propagation beds for sale at the Membership meeting.
The on line registration for the Fall MOMGA conference will not be available so MGs need to download the form, fill it out and send it in by snail mail.
There was a call for perennials that can be wintered over and sold at the Spring Plant Sale.
There will be a fall vegetable sale for MGS only on August 16.
A growers meeting was held. 80% of the seeds grown were grown by Mimi and Paul Hendricks at their house.
The Early Spring Plant Sale will be March 14 & 21. MGs will be encouraged to pre-order plants.
Seeding class will be held on March 7 by Evelyn Franks in the greenhouse.
April 4 will be the Transplant class taught by Mimi Hendricks in the greenhouse.
The Plant sale committee are looking into using plugs in some cases instead of seeds. They will also be pre-ordering pots, potting soil, etc. from Hummert’s in order to make sure we can get all of the items we need. A budget will be created and presented to the Steering Committee.
We sponsored Evelyn Franks to attend a symposium at Hummert’s on Greenhouse production. She gave an overview on subjects that she learned and that we can use in our greenhouse.
Patti Koleck was given recognition on the excellent job she has been doing with the Hortline. She asked for more volunteers.
Del Moellner announced that he is going to the Bradford Research Center on the campus of the University of Missouri in Columbia to hear information on Cover Crops. There is no cost.
Spring Plant Sale will be on April 25 with May 2 sale for the leftovers.
Meeting adjourned at 8:25 p.m.
Submitted by Mary Carey