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June Steering Committee Meeting Minutes


St Charles County Master Gardeners June 12, 2015 Steering Committee Meeting 


St. Charles County Master Gardener Steering Committee called to order by President Mary Carey at 9 am on June 12, 2015 at the Extension Office with all Steering Committee members present, plus interim CPD Linda Rellergert.


 The minutes from the May 8 Steering Committee meeting were unanimously approved.


 Treasurer’s Report – review of past year’s expenses & develop a plan for the future budgets is the agenda item. Joe Walker confirmed that all steering committee members had received the most recent group of spreadsheets, and then briefly reviewed. Discussion ensued regarding capital expenditure account; greenhouse, maintenance, tools, landscape timbers, etc. Joe will review actual expenditures from the past year and develop projections for upcoming expenses, reporting back to the Steering Committee at the July meeting. Joe will also present a demo garden summary of expenses to larger Master Gardener meeting a couple of times during the gardening season. Joe would also like to include water usage expense in the budget.


Demo garden report given by Demo Garden Lead, Mary Medina. Water project is ongoing. Paul Hendricks has blueberry bushes that need to be planted which Marsha Brown handle. Mary Medina will present the completed proposal when it is ready. The Asclepius (milkweed), coneflower, slender mountain mint plants and others have been delivered to the hoop house from the “Missourians for Monarchs” organization. Cindy Platzer also has plants in the hoop house which she has potted up in preparation for the 100th anniversary celebration.


Greenhouse renovation- Tom Crisanti has put concrete steps in to go to cold frames; we want to include planting bed near steps. We are also going to need white rock. Lights from State Patrol: we have six-eight “high end” which will be mounted on pulleys. Mark Krebs (electrical engineer) researching the best way to utilize. We have 16 total; distribution of the remaining 10 lights was discussed with no decision made. Paths have been sprayed with herbicide.


Demo garden budget recent expense: votes were taken electronically regarding o water spigot project = $780; o wood chips, amendment bins and paths = $425 ( $95 over budget). These expenditures were unanimously approved by the Steering Committee.


Eagle Scout projects – bird houses, current events sign(s), etc. We have one Eagle Scout working on another table for pergola area. One of our Level One trainees has children seeking Eagle Scout experience/projects. They will present drawing of the current event signage. Bird houses – prairie garden ideal location. Mary Medina will keep us informed.


County Program Director – CPD position has been approved for posting but has not yet been. Current thinking is that there may be someone in the position by the end of the summer. Position approved is the horticultural portion only; Rich Hoormann, Montgomery County is responsible for the agronomy part of the position in St. Charles County.


100th anniversary sign has been finished and will be put up June 12.


The last Level One class was June 11. Certificates will be prepared for Level One Trainees which they will receive at the monthly Master Gardeners meetings.


“Missourians for Monarch’s” Hoop House –they would like to put another hoop house on the property. Linda Rellergert will look into this and discuss with other interim CPD (John Nickler). Questions can be addressed to Bob Lee.


June General Meeting – speaker was discussed. Level One trainee certificates will be awarded to Level One trainees in attendance.


Meeting was adjourned at 10:30 am.


President                                Laura Steimel

Vice - President                     Jackie Johnson

Treasurer                                Rebecca Poon

Secretary                                Sandra Newsom 

Demonstration Garden      Cindy Platzer

Education                               Patti Kolek

Hortline                                  Patti Kolek

Plant Sale Coordinator       Donna Lindsey

Membership                          Kevin Lynch

Weekly Newsletter              Melanie Elick

                                                  Jeannie Ferguson

Web master                           Mary Carey

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