St Charles County Master Gardeners
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Master Gardeners of Saint Charles County
Steering Committee Meeting Minutes
June 13, 2014
Meeting was called to order at 9:40 a.m. by President Dave Barylski. Present were Dave Barylski, Russ Reed, Scott Killpack, Mary Carey, Kevin Minard, Joe Walker and Paul Hendricks.
Paul Hendricks made a proposal that the Steering Committee start a building fund to build a building that would be used for seeding and plant propagation and possibly classroom. The few people who do this in their homes with plants for the plant sale should not be counted on doing this in the future. Scott Killpack said there would be no issues with the extension. The Extension Council may donate some money. Mary Carey made a motion to form a committee to evaluate a proposal for a multi-purpose building on site. A recommendation to be complete and presented to the steering committee by December 1, 2014. Seconded by Joe Walker. Dave Barylski will present this at the general membership meeting in June.
The speaker for the July general membership meeting will be Joe Walker, Paul Hendricks and Del Molder. They will talk on the compost we use.
Joe Walker made a motion to approve April Steering Committee minutes. Seconded by Kevin Minard. Approved unanimously.
Mary Carey gave a web page update. Dave Barylski suggested we move the policies and procedures from the extension website to our MG web site. Mary Carey will complete this by June 30.
Joe Walker gave the financial report. Our checking account balance is (Contact the treasurer for this amount) at the end of May. This is on track with the projection of our expenditures. Dave Barylski suggested that we set up a reserve for future expenses such as a furnace and plastic for the greenhouse. This will be added to the agenda for the December Steering Committee meeting.
Joe Walker reported that 28 out of 92 Master Gardeners who received the latest survey by e-mail has responded. Joe has created a new survey to ask the members what kind of subjects they want to see at the October General Membership meeting, a potpourri of several 15 minute talks done by other Master Gardeners. There will be a cutoff date of July 11 for this survey.
Scott Killpack reported on the monthly water bill for the extension. He will ask that when MGs water in the gardens they remember to turn the water off.
The area in front of the amendment bins need to be evaluated because water collects in that area. It was suggested that that area be turned into a parking area. It was decided that that cannot be done.
Dave Barylski requested status on Fall into Gardening and the Fall Plant Sale.
ID cards will be printed by the Extension center and distributed at the June General Membership meeting.
The “Bird Seed Garden” was discussed. All agreed that Cindy Platzer has created a great incentive for MG interns. It was suggested that this be added to 2015 MG training. Scott Killpack will assess the possibility. Polices for new gardens were not followed for the Bird Garden. If the Level 1 training class is changed to include a class project or projects they will follow the current Demo Garden procedures for establishing a new garden on site.
Mary Carey made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Seconded by Joe Walker. Approved unanimously.
Meeting adjourned at 11:52.
Respectfully submitted by Mary Carey.