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Master Gardeners of Saint Charles County

General Meeting Minutes

March 27, 2014


Kevin Gallager from Allen’s Tree Service gave an informative program about trees and lawns. He spoke about situations he has encountered in his years at Allen’s.


Meeting was called to order at 7:40 p.m. by President Dave Barylski.


Scott Kilpatrick recognized Barb Poland for completing the Master Gardner requirements.

Tom Nagel was also recognized for becoming an Advanced Master Gardener. Thirty hours of advanced training covering at least three horticulture disciplines and completed within five years are required to earn the title of Advanced Master Gardener. No more than 10 hours per discipline can be applied to the 30-hour total, and hands-on advanced training experiences are preferred.


Joe Walker - treasurer: Current balance of (Contact the treasurer for this amount).

Joe Walker mentioned that he has only had nine people responding to the survey he sent out asking for feedback on what is happening in the garden. It will be featured again in the Monday morning Constant Contact e-mail.


Spring Plant Sale

Mary Medina and Paul Hendricks are co-leads for the plant sale.

Mary gave an update. More than 5000 plants are expected to be available for the sale. The main sale will be on April 26. Plants will be available the next two Saturdays as long as there are plants left.Pam Yankee, Kevin Minard, Mimi Hendricks, Paul Hendricks, and Micah Kornblum have been starting seeds.Perennial and Native plants were dug up and potted last fall. They have been sleeping near the Propagation beds and are now ready.Set up for the sale will be on Friday, April 25 starting at 12:00.A canopy will be set up outside for Perennials and Natives. The greenhouse will have vegetables and herbs. Room C will have Annuals, bulbs and seeds, cashiers and Ask the Master Gardener.The pre-sale for Master Gardeners will be on Friday evening, April 25 starting at 4:00 p.m. This will be the ONLY time Master Gardeners will be able to buy plants ahead of 9:00 Saturday morning. NO ONE will be allowed to walk among the plants to pick out what they want before the 9:00 start on Saturday.


Cindy Platzer took orders for new shirts. She will continue until Tuesday, April 1.


Greenhouse – Evelyn Franks

One of the heaters had to be replaced in the greenhouse. Evelyn thanked those who have volunteered to be leads for each day of the week. She would like more volunteers to water in the evenings.There was a seeding day in the greenhouse earlier in the month. Now there will be a transplanting day on April 5 @ 9:00 a.m. Mimi Hendricks will instruct on the proper way to transplant seedlings. Saturday, March 29 is a NO WORK DAY at the extension. 4-H is having a big event and they need the parking.


Demo Gardens – Kevin Minard

Donna Johnson has agreed to take the lead of the Propagation Bed.

Workdays have started on Wednesday and Saturday (except March 29).

The path from the back of the greenhouse, around by the east side of the greenhouse to the front of the greenhouse will be started soon.

The water hydrant by the pergola is broken and Kevin is trying to get it repaired.

The daffodil beds by the front of the extension property (down by the wetlands) has been cleaned up. Any plant debris should not be put there in the future but should go in the wetlands under the power lines.

The daylily area on the southwest side of the property was also cleaned up.Landscape retaining wall blocks were installed around the Perennial Garden.

Del Moore – Amendment Bed lead has ordered double ground mulch.


We have received permission to have a small sale on the day the MG Convention tour will be at our gardens. We want to have things such as honey, braided garlic. Ideas and volunteers should contact Cindy Platzer.


Hortline – Patti Koleck

The Hortline will be starting up again on Monday, March 31. Questions come in by phone messages, e-mails or walk-ins. The MG researches the questions. If they are unsure they run it by Scott Kilpack. Scott does update before the monthly General meetings on the kind of questions he expects that month.The Hortline runs Monday thru Thursday. Volunteers can set their own hours. Patti will have a training session at 9:30 Friday, March 28. She will be working the Hortline Monday from 10 – 2:00 for instruction also.


The idea for a Speaker potpourri was introduced. 3 or 4 Master Gardeners would gave small talks or demonstrations. It was decided to try this in August or September meeting.


Reporting system for reporting hours is now up and working. There is a tutorial for those who have questions about how the site works.


Mary Carey has agreed to be the Marketing lead. This is a new position and she wants ideas from the membership on ways to get the word out on what we have to offer.


We will have a booth at the O’Fallon Garden Expo on April 12 from 9 – 1. Mary Carey, Cindy Platzer and Patti Koleck will be our representatives.


Donna Johnson spoke of a gardening class at Our Lady of the Snows on April 12. She is looking for people to carpool with.


The date has been set of September 27 for the Fall into Gardening Seminar. Micah Kornblum has agreed to be the lead.


LaDonna Darks said that a group of Cub Scouts and their leaders and parents will tour our gardens on Saturday, April 5. Kevin will lead the tour.


Meeting adjourned at 8:45 p.m.


Submitted by Mary Carey


President                                Laura Steimel

Vice - President                     Jackie Johnson

Treasurer                                Rebecca Poon

Secretary                                Sandra Newsom 

Demonstration Garden      Cindy Platzer

Education                               Patti Kolek

Hortline                                  Patti Kolek

Plant Sale Coordinator       Donna Lindsey

Membership                          Kevin Lynch

Weekly Newsletter              Melanie Elick

                                                  Jeannie Ferguson

Web master                           Mary Carey

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