St Charles County Master Gardeners
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St Charles County Master Gardeners
May 28, 2015 Meeting Agenda
5:30-6:45 pm – Mary Medina had the Plant Sale recap, review and suggestion meeting.
The general meeting was called to order at 7 pm by President Mary Carey with 51 gardeners in
Awards – Waneta Parmenter. Recipients of volunteer hour awards were Del Moeller, Sue Garnett,
Bonnie Alinder, and Cindy Syberg.
Level One Master Gardener Certificates were awarded to: Libby
Wilson, Anne Schappe, Mary and David Prince,
Meeting Minutes from April Master Gardener meeting were published in the Monday morning email
and on St. Charles County Master Gardeners Webpage.
Treasurer’s Report - Joe Walker reported a bank balance of $15,918.92. The Steering Committee ad
hoc group will look at financial projections for coming year such as 2016 plant sale, greenhouse
maintenance/upkeep and set aside monies accordingly.
Hortline – Patti Kolek reported on questions from consumers. Patti gave a presentation on mole
pressure and eradication.
Lawn Chair Classes - Mary Medina reported on the first class held May 19. Weather was beautiful,
with 45 new people in attendance. The next one will be held June 16 with talks to include: Rose
Care, Sharon Givan; Mrs. Dave Wilson, Medicinal Herbs; JoAnn Thone and Linda Thompson,
Culinary Herbs; Judy Moran, Monarch Butterfly.
Demo Garden – Mary Medina reported that leaf mulch is available now, amendment bins are full.
Most demo gardens are in. Del Moeller discussed about cover crops and new composting
Plant Sale/Greenhouse – Mary Medina/Evelyn Franks - covered in the 5:30 pm meeting.
June Meeting - Val Mertz reported that a scientist from Monsanto’s vegetable group will be here
for the general meeting in June.