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Demonstration Gardens

Native Flower Garden


Natives  Three gardens were established with Missouri native forbs, grasses, sedges and shrubs. Plants that thrive in moist-to-wet conditions fill the rain garden, which takes storm-water runoff from a parking lot. Plants that serve as host or nectar source for butterflies fill the butterfly garden and a mix of prairie plants and grasses were started from seed in 2006 to create a prairie plot. Residents can learn what plants do well in a home landscape and become familiar with the growth and bloom cycles of the natives growing in the gardens.

Click on the pictures below to view more information on particular plants in the Native Gardens

Blackeyed Susan

Blue False Indigo

Oblong-Leaved Aster (Aromatic Aster)

Shining Blue Star (Ozark Bluestar)


Common Milkweed

Purple Coneflower

Rose Verbena

Prairie Blazing Star

Slender Mountain Mist

Blue Cardinal Flower

(Great Lobelia; Blue Lobelia)

Butterfly Weed

Garden Phlox


Willow Leaf Sunflower


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