St Charles County Master Gardeners
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Master Gardeners of Saint Charles County
Steering Committee Meeting Minutes
October 10, 2014
Meeting was called to order at 9:38 a.m. by President Dave Barylski. Present were Dave Barylski, Scott Killpack, Mary Carey, Russ Reed, and Mary Medina. Sharon Hedges was a guest.
Mary Medina made a motion to approve September Steering Committee minutes. Seconded by Russ Reed. Approved unanimously.
Dave Barylski gave the treasurer’s report in Joe Walker’s absence. Bank account balance at the end of September is (Contact the treasurer for this amount). The demo garden leads have met and adjusted budgets and make projections through May 1 of 2015.
Evelyn and Mary have re-visited the plant sale and greenhouse numbers.
The Hoop House numbers have also been revisited and are incorporated in the Demo Garden total. Here is where we stand for projected expenses: (Contact the treasurer for this amount).
At the October General Membership meeting, Russ Reed will announce that any Plant Sale expenditures not approved in advance will not be reimbursed.
Because we hosted a tour group for the 2014 MG conference we will be receiving (Contact the treasurer for this amount) from The St Louis County MGs.
Two candidates have agreed to run for the 2015 Steering Committee vacancies. Mary Carey will handle the election at the October meeting. Scott Killpack had a ballot box. He will print the ballots and have the box available at the extension for absentee ballots.
Building the hoop house is under way. Mary Carey estimates it should be finished in two weeks.
Russ Reed will chair the October General meeting in Dave Barylski’s absence. Del Moellner will speak on Cover Crops.
Scott Killpack mentioned that we need to be more vigilant on making sure all doors are locked and water is turned off. The doors on the big shed were left open.
Scott Killpack reported that we can use “The Box” to store photos of extension or MG activity. He had invited Dave Barylski, Mary Carey, and Mary Medina to upload photos. Mary Carey will set up rules to make sure photos are placed in correct folders and what info needs to be added for identification.
Plant Sale – Mary Medina will be asking the membership for natives and perennials be dug and brought to the extension for over-wintering for the spring. Plant names must be marked in or on the pot. Prices may be raised for the 2015 sale. Plant Sale committee will decide. Mary suggested that the Plant Sale procedures be amended to have more financial oversight.
2015 will be the 100th year anniversary of the St Charles County Extension. Mary Medina is on the committee to plan a celebration.
Master Gardeners will have a table at the Missouri State Day on October 15 at the Historic Garden on Main Street in St Charles.
It was decided that there will not be a November Steering Committee Meeting. December will be a joint meeting with the new board.
Meeting adjourned at 10:30.
Respectfully submitted by Mary Carey.