St Charles County Master Gardeners
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Master Gardeners of Saint Charles County
Steering Committee Meeting Minutes
September 12, 2014
Meeting was called to order at 9:14 a.m. by President Dave Barylski. Present were Dave Barylski, Scott Killpack, Mary Carey, Russ Reed, and Joe Walker. Sharon Hedges was a guest.
Russ Reed made a motion to approve July Steering Committee minutes. Seconded by Joe Walker. Approved unanimously.
Joe Walker gave the treasurer’s report. He did a cash flow forecast to determine if we would have the money that was budgeted for the Plant Sale. Demo Garden leads were asked if they planned to use the remaining money in their budgets. Of those who either did not respond or who responded that they would be using their budgets, the amount needed plus the expected Plant Sale budget would leave a deficit. Since this is a projection, not actual, it was decided that Joe would prepare a summary for the September General Membership meeting.
Mary Carey reported on the progress of locating candidates for the 2015 Steering Committee. So far, two candidates have been identified.
Mary Carey reported on the idea of a new hoop house. Because of budget restraints, alternative to the (Contact the treasurer for this amount) hoop house are being investigated.
The September General Meeting agenda was reviewed. Program will be Landscaping with Native Trees and Shrubs – Betty Struckhoff.
Mary Carey volunteered to create an End-of-the –year summary. It was decided that in the future, the vice-president should assume this responsibility.
Scott informed that Extension personnel from the west side will be here for meetings on Wednesday, September 17. No garden tour is needed but Scott would appreciate having
Some MGs in the garden for questions.
There will be an Extension Strategic Planning meeting on October 4. The public is invited to attend.
The extension has renewed their insurance. Again, the greenhouse is not included. It was estimated that adding the greenhouse to the extension policy would increase the cost by 50%.
The greenhouse will not be insured.
Meeting adjourned at 10:15.
Respectfully submitted by Mary Carey.