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Minutes: Growers Meeting

Sept. 20, 2014

Mary Medina called the meeting to order at 8:58. Eighteen members were in attendance.


1. Reviewed plant sale schedule for 2015.

Jan. 22nd MG meeting - order form for spring vegetables and pansies from MG only

Feb. 28th - DIG IN

March 7th - Seed Starting class in Greenhouse MG's only (Evelyn)

March 14 - Cool season plant sale - Greenhouse

March 21 - Cool Season plant sale - Greenhouse

April 4 - Transplant class MG only - Greenhouse (Evelyn)

April 24 - Plant Sale set up

April 25 - BIG PLANT SALE - 9 - noon

May 2nd - Follow up Plant sale in Greenhouse


2. Review calendar of start dates for items offered in 2014. Revised plants offered from 2014 and determined number of flats needed for 2015. Discussed use of purchased plugs and how they will free up early seed starting in MG homes. Four specific plugs for annuals are: Angelonia, Geraniums, Vincas and Calibrachoas. Multicolors are a must with limited quantities required. Orders need to be complete by Oct. 31st. Mary, Pam and Evelyn will decide on companies to use and complete the ordering.


3. Solicit seed starting volunteers - Marigold and zinnias will be done by seed starting class on March 7. Others will be determined at a later date.


4. Propagation chamber in Greenhouse - Evelyn presented the details of a propagation chamber constructed in the greenhouse. Start up begins after the greenhouse is turned on and set at 50 degrees. Plans are for half of the seeds started after Feb 15 will be grown in this chamber and half in home settings this year. Evelyn presented also the use of Oasis seed plugs to be used in chamber. These soilless starting mediums eliminate problems with water retention and soil born fungus and pest problems. MGs will now be able to come to greenhouse and participate in seeding and transplanting activities.


5. Perennials and natives - pots. There will be a call for potted perennials and natives members have maintained over the spring and summer. These pots will be cared for and then stored for winter in some type of structure (straw bales, hoop house, cold frames, etc.) Pots and soil will be made available on site for divides currently in beds throughout the demo garden. A call for workers will begin as soon as soil arrives. (Marsha)

In addition, a local company produces native plugs for Shaw and commercial use. A delegation will visit the facility soon, seek end of season specials and get pricing for plugs in anticipation of a Fall Sale in 2015.


6. Wintering over potted perennials and natives - Paul and Mary Carey suggested the building of an unheated hoop structure to house these valuable plants. A design was presented to the group with placement in the propagation beds for optimal sun and close to water. This area is already installed with drainage pipes to keep water from sitting within the pots. Cost of the structure would be about $500. Evelyn suggested that the $500 in her greenhouse budget for cold frames, could instead go toward the materials for the hoop house.

Steve Seibert, the garden lead, will need to approve the proposal involving his garden site AND a plan for removing current bushes will have to be developed. (Mary)

Paul moved and Mary C seconded that we proceed with this structure. Vote was unanimous to present this to the garden leads for immediate approval, so the structure could begin.


President                                Laura Steimel

Vice - President                     Jackie Johnson

Treasurer                                Rebecca Poon

Secretary                                Sandra Newsom 

Demonstration Garden      Cindy Platzer

Education                               Patti Kolek

Hortline                                  Patti Kolek

Plant Sale Coordinator       Donna Lindsey

Membership                          Kevin Lynch

Weekly Newsletter              Melanie Elick

                                                  Jeannie Ferguson

Web master                           Mary Carey

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