St Charles County Master Gardeners
Click on address for map.
Speaker Request Form
Date of Contact _________________________________________________
Contact Person _________________________________________________
Organization ___________________________________________________
Contact Phone _________________________________________________
Contact e-mail _________________________________________________
Topic ___________________________________________________________
Date confirmation is needed ___________________________________
Length of presentation _________________________________________
Date ____________________________________________________________
Day ____________________________________________________________
Time ___________________________________________________________
City ____________________________________________________________
Number of people _____________________________________________
It will be the speaker's responsibility to contact the organization to finalize the details.
Have the organization make checks out to University of Missouri Extension.
If the organizization requests a form that they can use for tax purposes, contact the extension.
If the facility where the talk is held is outside St Charles County, an additional milage fee is assessed. This fee should be included in the amount of the check from the organization. After turning the check into the extension, the speaker can then request to be reimbursed the mileage amount from the extension.
The amount will be calculated based on the mileage from St. Charles County Extension Center to the address of the speaking engagement using Google maps at a rate of $.20 per mile.